
Cell Phone GPS

When will you need a Cell Phone GPS?

Imagine if you are driving in an area you're not familiar with, it witnessed in a vehicle swerving off the highway, into a deep ravine. You pull to the side of the road, and see that the car is upside down had 100 feet below. There's a good chance that someone is in need of immediate care, but you don't know your exact location. But you do have your Wireless Cell Phone, so you notify a 911 dispatcher.

For just such an occurrence, the FCC has started a program that is known as E911. It requires that the location of a Wireless Cell Phone to be determined within about 75 yards. This was instituted in early 2005. This made virtually every Wireless Cell Phone a Cell Phone GPS. But the after effect of this law has provided a benefit to Wireless Cell Phone users. One, it is useful for retrieving driving directions, while in your vehicle, and two it serves as a handheld GPS.

Navigating vehicles with your Cell Phone GPS.

In order to use your Cell Phone GPS for driving directions, you can go one of two ways. You can either purchase a software package, or subscribe to a service. For either one you won't need to install the eight GPS receiver module that is attached to the dashboard of your vehicle. This is usually included with the price. They come either wireless or wired for the Cell Phone GPS.

Subscribing with your Cell Phone GPS

This is one way to use your Cell Phone GPS for driving directions. The directions are sent to your Wireless Cell Phone. If you happen to miss a turn or go down the wrong street, a new route will be calculated for you on your Cell Phone GPS.

Usually, the service will allow you to search for things like hotels, restaurants or theaters, and then give you directions to that on your Cell Phone GPS.

One thing to consider is that if you are in area that your Wireless Cell Phone does not receive coverage, your Cell Phone GPS also will not work.

One drawback to the Cell Phone GPS can be the cost. You'll probably need to subscribe to a data and voice plan, as well as the purchase of a Wireless Cell Phone. Also consider the service charges, and setup fees.

Adding software to utilize the Cell Phone GPS

The other way to obtain driving directions on your Cell Phone GPS, is to buy a software package that works on a Wireless Cell Phone. The maps and programs are preloaded on a memory card that is included with the package. This is more of a one-time cost, and since it is preloaded in. You'll not need to worry about being in a bad coverage area with your Wireless Cell Phone.

Other options for the Cell Phone GPS

If you wish to make your Cell Phone GPS portable, you can purchase GPS add-ons, or a Cell Phone GPS that is integrated. These are useful for walking in an unfamiliar city, or out hiking on trails with your Wireless Cell Phone.

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