
Biometric Fingerprint Reader - New Generation Security System

Ways of network and system security have undergone radical enhancements in the most recent past, and biometric security techniques, which use unique characteristics like fingerprints, voice, and retina-scan and so on, have brought a substantial support against many security threats. It is to the efficient technology that what was once a science fantasy has now turned into a reality, and biological security techniques are a remarkable example of the same. Based on biometric security, a crucial ingredient of the access control mechanisms is the fingerprint reader system.

Utilizing the unique nature of human fingerprints while accessing the information systems, the fingerprint images of the authorized users are verified and validated by the fingerprint reader system. In comparison to text based passwords, weather it provides single or multiple authorization checks, the fingerprint reader system is more accurate and robust. Apparently, such techniques give rise to the common idea of high cost of development and maintenance but with the open source software movement it is no wonder that such systems are now within the reach of small scale business organizations as well.

Today, when new security threats evolve regularly, it becomes necessary that the proposed system shall be developed in order to meet the changing requirements, and therefore, the salient features included in the fingerprint reader system includes easy updates, monitoring of defaults, and also scalability to integrate new users.

Although the algorithms which are used to implement fingerprint recognition are efficient enough to improvise with minor changes in the original fingerprint of the authorized user, but certain physical factors like heavy injuries that may cause damage to the finger is an issue, and such instance have created a concern for the developers of such system. An idea to overcome this situation has been considered by our team, and the proposed software not only provides alternates to such conditions but it also provides a dual security mechanism which is based on dual checks during access. Precisely, multiple scans of a particular fingerprint are stored in the system, and in case, a mismatch occurs with one of the images, the system automatically rematches the finger print with the other images.

In view of the security policy which depends on the nature of business organization, this system provides the user to set various security priorities as per the specific requirements. Logs of successful access and entries of defaults are preserved in the system for monitoring the entire access control system. An important features which is a part of this system is to restrict the number of login attempts, that is to say, after a certain number of unsuccessful login attempts, the systems prohibits the user to make another login attempt. This number can be set by the authorized user, and that apart, login accounts can be created for guest members which lapse after single usage.

A fledgling attempt to deliver security oriented software which satisfies the demands of a vast section of users, this system has been tested in various environments and platforms. Minimal hardware requirement for deploying the system is a low cost fingerprint reader machine which is compatible with the system, and for the sake of making it easy for our clients we do provide certain recommendations for such machines.

It tends to appear in the baffling tangle of security threats that merely electronic mechanism are inefficient to guarantee total information security, and combining biological techniques like fingerprint recognition is highly recommended. We have endeavored to deliver a product which takes care of this fact, and this product is before you to test and evaluate.

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