
Finding Your Great Notebook

It is obvious, we are absolutely in the Computer Age. that it was the norm to be without a computer at home, now the opposite is typical. Apparently, each home has at least one computer, and should you admit to not having one, the likelihood is no one will believe you!

While the first computers were big, room-sized goliaths capable of only very limited routines, now we are empowered with micro machines that multitask easily as music players, cameras, web browsers, phones, word processors and email clients.

The standard used to be that you had a desktop computer at home or the office to manage the important tasks, a cellular phone that could merely make and take calls, and a large Netbook with brief battery life that would just allow you to check your email or work on a spreadsheet or document.

But, that is not the fact any longer. Today’s Netbooks are sleek, lightweight, and extremely varied, with longer battery lives and even built-in wireless modems to allow the user to access the Web anywhere a ‘hotspot’ is found.

Depending on what you want, you can acquire a Netbook to satisfy your desires. You can even personalize your ideal Netbook with just the programs you want.

But even better than being able to find or personalize your Netbook is the fact that the costs of the movable machines are sinking speedily. Where once they were more expensive than a more functional desktop computer, even as much as $3000, today Netbooks having plenty of memory and powerful programs can be purchased for less than some desktops.

>From writing the next great American novel to surfing the Web, for watching movies or making your own videos, to managing your household finances and sharing your thoughts online, current Netbooks are the complete answer to daily computing as well as the necessities of most commercial enterprises.

With the amount of choices available and the reasonable costs, there is no longer a need for anyone to be shackled to a desk to use the ability and velocity of a high-performance machine.

Cell Phone GPS

When will you need a Cell Phone GPS?

Imagine if you are driving in an area you're not familiar with, it witnessed in a vehicle swerving off the highway, into a deep ravine. You pull to the side of the road, and see that the car is upside down had 100 feet below. There's a good chance that someone is in need of immediate care, but you don't know your exact location. But you do have your Wireless Cell Phone, so you notify a 911 dispatcher.

For just such an occurrence, the FCC has started a program that is known as E911. It requires that the location of a Wireless Cell Phone to be determined within about 75 yards. This was instituted in early 2005. This made virtually every Wireless Cell Phone a Cell Phone GPS. But the after effect of this law has provided a benefit to Wireless Cell Phone users. One, it is useful for retrieving driving directions, while in your vehicle, and two it serves as a handheld GPS.

Navigating vehicles with your Cell Phone GPS.

In order to use your Cell Phone GPS for driving directions, you can go one of two ways. You can either purchase a software package, or subscribe to a service. For either one you won't need to install the eight GPS receiver module that is attached to the dashboard of your vehicle. This is usually included with the price. They come either wireless or wired for the Cell Phone GPS.

Subscribing with your Cell Phone GPS

This is one way to use your Cell Phone GPS for driving directions. The directions are sent to your Wireless Cell Phone. If you happen to miss a turn or go down the wrong street, a new route will be calculated for you on your Cell Phone GPS.

Usually, the service will allow you to search for things like hotels, restaurants or theaters, and then give you directions to that on your Cell Phone GPS.

One thing to consider is that if you are in area that your Wireless Cell Phone does not receive coverage, your Cell Phone GPS also will not work.

One drawback to the Cell Phone GPS can be the cost. You'll probably need to subscribe to a data and voice plan, as well as the purchase of a Wireless Cell Phone. Also consider the service charges, and setup fees.

Adding software to utilize the Cell Phone GPS

The other way to obtain driving directions on your Cell Phone GPS, is to buy a software package that works on a Wireless Cell Phone. The maps and programs are preloaded on a memory card that is included with the package. This is more of a one-time cost, and since it is preloaded in. You'll not need to worry about being in a bad coverage area with your Wireless Cell Phone.

Other options for the Cell Phone GPS

If you wish to make your Cell Phone GPS portable, you can purchase GPS add-ons, or a Cell Phone GPS that is integrated. These are useful for walking in an unfamiliar city, or out hiking on trails with your Wireless Cell Phone.

XBox 360 Guides and Comparison

Xbox 360 is one of the most selected entertainment tools available in the market and people choose to purchase one for their own or family. The truth is, it is very popular and every release of a new version of gaming box, stores always run out of stock.

There are various types of gaming boxs available in the market that claims to be the best. These companies claim that they promise that with their gaming box, you will have the ultimate gaming experience. This will get most people confused on which is actually the best.

List below are the most famous gaming box manufacturer that are always competing each others:

1. Microsoft - XBox 360.
2. Nintendo - Wii box.
3. Sony - Play Station 3.

These companies claim that their gaming box offers the best quality gaming experience that you will ever have. Here are some facts about these three different gaming boxs and with this guides, you can choose which gaming box is right for you.

XBox 360 offers one of the best features in a gaming box. Microsoft has look all about the needs of consumers in a gaming box. Because of this, they developed and manufactured the Xbox 360 system that has everything you need in a gaming box system. It has wireless controllers, upgradeable hard drive, XBox Live headset to let you chat with your friends when playing online games, WiFi adapter and can also be integrated with the Xbox Live Vision.

There are various selection available in the market to choose like XBox 360 Arcade, XBox 360 and XBox 360 Elite. This is not like others manufacturer offer. You can choose to buy "XBox 360 Arcade" if you just playing the games, it offer the lowers price.

Wii nintendo seems more advanced than others manufacturer . Wii has all the features that equipped on XBox 360 and PS 3. The first thing is Wii comes with the Mii and Photo channels. Players with an Internet connection can also receive the Forecast and News channels at no additional cost. a wireless receiver, which allows you to connect to the Internet without running a cable through the house.

PlayStation 3 ( PS3 ) gaming box can also be equipped with a Wi-Fi. This technology will enable you to connect to the Internet wirelessly and it will be able to give you the capability to play online games along with millions of players worldwide. PS 3 also has Bluetooth wireless controllers available. This means that it can definitely let you have a more enjoyable experience when you play a PS 3 game.PS 3 also has the backward compatibility feature which allows you to play your old PS and PS 2 games in your new PS 3 gaming box.

As you can see, all of gaming box system are closely matched, you will be able to have the best gaming experience of your life with above guidance.

Buy a Cell Phone - Complete Mobile Shopping Guide

Nothing in the history of human technology has gained as much popularity or necessity as the cell phone other than maybe the personal computer. They allow you to be in contact all of the time anywhere in the world (providing you have reception). You can do more than just talk these days. These phones let you surf the web, play games, text, and even send and read email. Digging through the many service plans and accessories can be a very difficult task for even most veteran users. Read on to learn how to get the perfect service plan and phone for your wireless needs.

Choosing to buy a cell phone and a service plan to match is going to take some research and some work, so do not expect to find your perfect match overnight. Cell phones are no longer just a convenient way to keep in touch audibly, they are a lot more since their first appearance in high tech culture. These days you may find yourself checking your e-mails, sending pictures and text messages, keeping track of your stocks or world news, editing and reading business documents, listening to your favorite MP3 songs, or adding new personal and business contacts via your laptop computer.

When shopping for a phone, your choice of wireless service can alter which type and model you will be using. A wise plan of action is to shop for your carrier first. Finding out the best coverage and monthly pricing plans for your area will make your experience with your phone more enjoyable. Remember, even the best phone will be worth squat to you if you do not have a good carrier. While some accessories will work with many models, most phones will work only with one mobile carrier due to the exclusivity of their networks. Most providers lock their phones so you are less likely to leave their wireless network so remember that the wireless network is your phone's life support.


What is a smartphone? Basically it is a cell phone but with the added capability of running document type applications and comes with a alphabet keyboard style pad, usually it is the Qwerty. Aside from that, the smartphone has more memory and a larger screen for browsing the Internet and sending emails. As far as media goes, a smartphone is also a perfect way to watch movies, video, and listen to MP3s. Most smartphones are now also 3G phones.

3G Phones

3G cellular phones are basically third generation mobile technology phones that allow you to transmit data (Internet) in larger amounts at a much faster rate, 2 megabits to be exact. This is far faster than the original speeds previously available (19 kilobits per second). So if you have documents you need to send to your boss or associates, a large amount of email messages to send, need to surf the web for research, or need to send video or images often then this is the generation of phone you will be wanting to acquire.

While a 3G phone is a great technological advancement, a third generation phone is only going to be as good as the network it is on. As a matter of fact, some areas may not carry 3G services at all, so make sure to ask your dealer if your area can even take advantage of the data speeds.

Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon all claim to carry the same data rates for their select 3G phones. The keyword spoken is "select". Make sure you understand which phones will actually be compatible with the 3G networks and what speeds your actual phone can handle as well. You will want to ask if your phone is compatible with either the EvDO or HSDPA networks, if not, then you may want to seek out another phone that is.

GSM Phones

While there is a wireless standard for the United States, many countries will use additional wireless standards that can cause many problems for any US citizen traveling abroad with their US bought phone. GSM stands for the Global System for Mobile communications. If you plan to travel outside of the United States then you will want to entertain the possibility of owning a Quadband phone. Quadband means your phone runs off of four world frequencies being USA (850 Mhz and 1900 Mhz), Europe, and Asia.

If you plan to travel to rural areas within your own backyard (United States) then look into purchasing a tri-mode phone which can run off of an analog channel and two digital frequencies for additional coverage in in those low coverage areas.

Phone Body Styles

It is becoming where no one person has the same style of phone these days. They have different names such as the candy bar (phones that slide open from either the side, top, or bottom), the swivel (phones that twist to expose the phone functions), and the ever so common clamshell (flip phone). A quick tip to remember when choosing your phone style is that if your phone comes equipped with the keypad exposed on the outside, make sure it has a key lock. You do not want to be calling everyone under the sun while walking with your phone in your pocket.

Style vs. Function

Regardless of the newest trend or fad, make sure the style you choose is one that works for you. Testing the comfort of the phone against your ear is not commonly practiced, but you will find quickly you will have wished you had tested it once your ear gets sore and raw from your various hour long conversations. Also practice answering the phone to see how easy it is for you to operate and see the caller ID, having an easily accessible phone can help reduce unnecessary last minute stress when finding your phone in the first place. Although smartphones will add some bulkiness for talking, their keyboards are necessary for ease of many functions such as typing and web browsing. You may have to sacrifice some talking comfort. If you can find a medium between function and comfort, you may have found your match.


Newer phones can give you a lot of talk time compared to the cellular devices of the past. These days a phone can give you up to 4 hours of talk time and up to 14 days if used with a standby function. Remember, not all phones will have this lasting power but more and more are getting this power efficiency added to their battery life. It is important to remember though, that the higher the bandwidth your phone uses, the more battery life can be drained from your phone. Also remember that the more functions you use on your phone, the more battery life you can expect to use as well. Some phones have additional options such as larger capacity batteries for an additional charge, this may be an option you will need.

Phone Screens

Now if you plan to use your phone almost exclusively for phone calls then your screen shouldn't be too much an issue. As long as you can see outgoing and incoming calls, you should be okay. If you plan on utilizing a 3G or higher device a larger screen will be necessary to properly view the web, emails, etc. Make sure you are able to tweak with the back light settings of your phone before you buy it to check it's visibility under different lighting situations.

Touch Screens

While the concept of the touchscreen phone is relatively the same, not all touchscreens function the same. Some screens can register more than one touch activation at one time. This kind of screen is called a multi-touch. A multi-touch screen will let you manipulate an object while it is being touched such as swivel, twist, zoom, drag, etc. Single touch screens register one touch at a time with your finger and while it may seem less zesty, it can also help save you from accidentally doing more than you intended to. A good touchscreen phone should allow you to adjust sensitivity settings that work better with your own personal style, or should we say, personal touch.


If you are purchasing a smartphone then you will be running into what is called a Qwerty keyboard. These keyboards have the alphabet on them as well as punctuations to help type out emails and texts more efficiently. Qwerty usually comes as an addition to the dialing pad. Aside from smartphone keypads, make sure your numeric dialing pad is just as easy to use. Smaller buttons can tend to get in the way of each other causing miss dials. If you must sacrifice your dial pad for convenience of size, make sure your phone comes equipped with voice activated dialing. Obviously this will help you make calls easier, not to mention help you comply with local cell phone laws.

Operating Systems

If you are purchasing a smartphone then you will want to understand a little about the operating systems available. Just like your computer has an operating system, so does your phone. Here are the current operating systems: Windows Mobile OS, Palm OS, Symbian OS, Mac OS, Google Android

Palm OS: Good Productivity Software and Easy Learning Curve

Microsoft OS: Microsoft Office and Great Phone Compatibility

Symbian OS: Good Productivity Software but LessUser Friendly

Mac OS: Optional Paid Download Applications

Google Android: Optional Download Applications

Common Cellular Phone Features

Mobile phones come with all types of internal management features such as phone book, calendar, speed dial, call history, voice activated dialing, photo albums, dial pad lock, and more. As well, many phones come equipped with hardwired features such as speaker phone, cameras, and even walkie talkie features. As you can imagine, there are many additional options that you may want or need so pay close attention to features available with the phone you would like to buy and make sure it is going to perform all the tasks you require .


If you drive while using your phone or just prefer to not have your phone pressed up against your face throughout the day, a headset will be an accessory you will be wanting to have with yours. In many cases it will come with a headset, but if not you can pick up one for a fair price. Typical headsets are attached to a wire and in the case you don't want wires make sure you get a bluetooth equipped phone for wireless conversations. Most smartphones come bluetooth equipped.

Choosing Your Cell Phone Provider

While many wireless carriers will boast in their commercials of their network reliability, only usage will tell. Ask friends and co-workers which networks they use for their phones and if you still are not sure go with a carrier that gives you a 30 day trial basis. The major carriers with the most vast networks are Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Nextel, and T-Mobile. It is suggested you go with one of these carriers for the best chance at getting reliable coverage.

Choosing Your Calling Plan

National calling plans are usually the best packaged deal, even if you use your phone locally. Always try to find a plan that offers free roaming, roaming charges can soar if you ever leave your network and many people don't even know when they have so controlling roaming costs can be difficult. If you travel outside the country, international roaming is a package add-on must.

Choosing Your Data Plan

If you plan on using your phone for email and the web then a data plan is something you will want either bundled or added on to your monthly bill. Accessing the Internet without such a plan can run into the hundreds when charged by the minute and at a higher price.

Choosing Your Minutes

Free nights and weekends may have you thinking you need less minutes, but be warned, each carrier has their own definition of what "night time" is. Make sure you know when your calls are free and what time their weekends start and end. Pick a minute plan that goes over what you think you'll use to spare yourself the bill of going over. Minutes go up in price once you max your limit. If the minute plans look to complex because of the amount of minutes, divide them by 60 to get the numerical equal in hours.

Your Contract

The best deals always come with the lengthier contract. 2-3 year contracts usually allow you to get the best calling plan as well as the best phones for less or free. While this may be the route you wish to go, remember that leaving earlier can be very costly when it comes to cancellation fees. If your phone is expensive, make sure to get a warranty and insurance plan for your phone so if anything happens to it, it can be replaced.

Replacing Your Home Phone?

If replacing your home phone then making sure your service will include E911 is going to be vital for obvious safety reasons. Ask your provider and inform them you are replacing you home phone.

Biometric Fingerprint Reader - New Generation Security System

Ways of network and system security have undergone radical enhancements in the most recent past, and biometric security techniques, which use unique characteristics like fingerprints, voice, and retina-scan and so on, have brought a substantial support against many security threats. It is to the efficient technology that what was once a science fantasy has now turned into a reality, and biological security techniques are a remarkable example of the same. Based on biometric security, a crucial ingredient of the access control mechanisms is the fingerprint reader system.

Utilizing the unique nature of human fingerprints while accessing the information systems, the fingerprint images of the authorized users are verified and validated by the fingerprint reader system. In comparison to text based passwords, weather it provides single or multiple authorization checks, the fingerprint reader system is more accurate and robust. Apparently, such techniques give rise to the common idea of high cost of development and maintenance but with the open source software movement it is no wonder that such systems are now within the reach of small scale business organizations as well.

Today, when new security threats evolve regularly, it becomes necessary that the proposed system shall be developed in order to meet the changing requirements, and therefore, the salient features included in the fingerprint reader system includes easy updates, monitoring of defaults, and also scalability to integrate new users.

Although the algorithms which are used to implement fingerprint recognition are efficient enough to improvise with minor changes in the original fingerprint of the authorized user, but certain physical factors like heavy injuries that may cause damage to the finger is an issue, and such instance have created a concern for the developers of such system. An idea to overcome this situation has been considered by our team, and the proposed software not only provides alternates to such conditions but it also provides a dual security mechanism which is based on dual checks during access. Precisely, multiple scans of a particular fingerprint are stored in the system, and in case, a mismatch occurs with one of the images, the system automatically rematches the finger print with the other images.

In view of the security policy which depends on the nature of business organization, this system provides the user to set various security priorities as per the specific requirements. Logs of successful access and entries of defaults are preserved in the system for monitoring the entire access control system. An important features which is a part of this system is to restrict the number of login attempts, that is to say, after a certain number of unsuccessful login attempts, the systems prohibits the user to make another login attempt. This number can be set by the authorized user, and that apart, login accounts can be created for guest members which lapse after single usage.

A fledgling attempt to deliver security oriented software which satisfies the demands of a vast section of users, this system has been tested in various environments and platforms. Minimal hardware requirement for deploying the system is a low cost fingerprint reader machine which is compatible with the system, and for the sake of making it easy for our clients we do provide certain recommendations for such machines.

It tends to appear in the baffling tangle of security threats that merely electronic mechanism are inefficient to guarantee total information security, and combining biological techniques like fingerprint recognition is highly recommended. We have endeavored to deliver a product which takes care of this fact, and this product is before you to test and evaluate.

Sharp AQUOS WX-A92 Review - AQUOS Technology in Phone

The Sharp WX-A92 gets a nickname AQUOS, with which you must be very familiar. Yes. Many high technology LCD TVs produced by the Sharp are named “AQUOS”. So you can hardly be disappointed at this phone’s display.


Like almost all Japanese products that have been launched, WX-A92 uses fold form as the main design, which is highly favored by most citizens from Asia. It utilizes magnesium and plastic on most of the surface. At the time of the fold is closed, we can see there is a closed section, but this does not reduce the beauty of this phone. They call this as the cycloid. Screen width ratio is 16: 9 – the same with most LCD monitors and LCD TV screens.

Display and interface

In terms of screen the Sharp phones are nearly unmatchable. There is no exception with the Sharp AQUOS WX-A92. It introduces the latest types of technology which they call as the mobile ASV. Based on information from the circulation, such type of TFT screen has a contrast ratio up to 2000:1 – larger and indeed felt better than usual type TFT which is still the main stream in the mobile phone industry. In addition, mobile ASV produced by Sharp has a color depth up to true color, or 24 bits – the same standard with that on the LCD computer and TV monitor!

HSDPA and internet

In accordance with the needs of mobile phone market at this time, this mobile phone supports WCDMA 2100 Network. Besides, the Sharp WX-A92 is also a mobile phone that has been equipped with HSDPA. We can access data much faster than 3G. Large screen mobile phone with a beautiful interface that is also added value for phone. So you can display your browser with more detail.


The Sharp WX-A92 has included almost all multimedia facilities. However, although the 3.2MP camera featured by the phone only can be said “not very backward”.

Music player

In addition to the camera, from here we can access the music player, video, streaming video, and Java games, though this handset is less flexible when compare with other products that provide 3.5 mm port. For additional media storage WX A-92 used Micro SD Card.


This mobile phone is equipped with means of connection which is quite complete, including the data cable, infrared, and Bluetooth. The A2DP profiles allow music fans to listen to audio files through a compatible headset.

Samsung M8910 Pixon Touch Screen Phone with 12 MP Camera

Mobile phones are designed with the intension to make our life faster & more comfortable. And they succeed in delivering top class handsets to make life simple & easy with strong connectivity. Everyday, so many brands of phones are released with mind blowing features and applications. This time Samsung brings top class 12 megapixel camera known as M8910 Pixon 12.

Samsung, a company known for their pioneer products & services, delivers what customer expects from their handsets. Pixon 12 is an addition to the previous version of Pixon family phone having 12 MP camera with the ability to prove themselves as best CyberShot handset. It’s being rumored till February that Samsung worked on increasing the capacity of their camera intensity in mobile phones. Now, it’s official that Samsung going to release first 12 mega-pixels camera phone into the market very soon.

With the help of this upcoming mobile phone of Samsung, its being easy to take high quality snaps & videos. However, the camera enhancement is not only the feature that makes this handset so special, but also it has 3.1 inches of AMOLED touch screen having 10,000:1 contrast ratio. Imagine the quality of picture which its user gets with this high quality colour balance ratio. Large & wide screen display of Samsung Pixon 12 enables us to watch full length movies while we are not at our home or cinema.

The new Samsung Pixon 12 comes with power saving feature which increases its battery life. This multimedia gizmo enables users to customize its setting according to their choice & manage files by sorting and adding tags. The multi selection features of this Samsung phone makes it easy for its user to create group of files, rather than searching files one-by-one.

Samsung M8910 Pixon comes with a new feature called Share Pix that lets the user easily upload & download images and videos over social networking websites like Facebook, Flickr , MySpace etc. This high-end mobile phone comes with strong connectivity specifications that provide superb data transfer rate at greater speed. Wi-Fi & HSUPA offers lightning speed while browsing internet on mobile phones and helping to share photos with friends in no time.

The new Samsung Pixon 12 (M8910) mobile phone will be available from the end of June in Europe and it will be available to other regions in the month of August. It’s obvious that the online phone dealers of UK offer this Samsung phone along with some extra incentives & mind blowing gifts. So, many online mobile shops are available over the internet which compares Pixon 12 pay monthly deals on contract. Free gift item & low price monthly rental contracts on M8910 Pixon are considered to be the best phone deals on this handset. Getting this latest phone of Samsung on Orange, O2, T Mobile and other leading networks makes your investment worthy. Decide your budget and compare deals with 12 months or 18 months contracts. Stay connected with cheap monthly mobile shops to know more about this phone and get latest updates on its availability.

Blu Ray is the Newest Thing out There

Blu ray is down right amazing. Not everyone understands what an upgrade blu ray is from the DVD unless you have actually experienced it first hand. The picture and sound are great and the viewing experience as a whole is mountains higher than the DVD was.

DVDs and their players work on a red laser beam that works to read the discs and send the images and sounds to the television screen. These players, although a much higher grade of media from their predecessors, the VHS players, produce a higher quality picture and sound that at first was very much appreciated by the vastly growing, entertainment world.

Although DVD's worked just fine before (and still do) the demand for great entertainment right now is high. People have their plasma TV's and high definition and they want to play their movies on high quality equipment too.

Out of the demands of the newer technology, came the production of the Blu Ray disc and the player for such discs. These players use a highly sensitive blue ray laser to read and interpret the information from the disc itself. This allows for a picture and sound quality that goes well beyond that of anything that a DVD will produce. The best thing about the Blu Ray players, is that they allow you to view your current DVD collection at a slightly better quality then you previously could, while allowing you to get your newer movies in the improved Blu Ray format for the ultimate viewing experience.

Blu ray is amazing and although it may cost a little bit more than the DVD, it is definitely worth every penny. The experience you will have will leave you satisfied and wanting more and more.

What is the Difference Between Network IP Cameras and Analog CCTV Cameras?

If you are considering installing a new video surveillance system, or expanding your existing video surveillance system, you might want to consider installing, or upgrading to a network IP video system. A network video surveillance system offers you a number of improvements over a traditional CCTV video system, like better image quality and lower cost to own and maintain.

A network IP system runs off a local area network, or LAN, which connects computers by ethernet. You access each camera like it was it's own computer, because it has it's own network IP address. You can control this camera from anywhere in the world and it makes for easier use than a traditional analog CCTV video system.

For years, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) video surveillance systems were the only choice for video surveillance of your home or business. At first, the images from analog cameras were transmitted through cables to a quad, or monitor for viewing. With the advent of the Video Cassette Recorder (VCR), you were finally able to record the video to a VHS tape for future viewing. However, if you had to actually find an instance of needing the video for law enforcement, it required watching, or fast forwarding through hours of video.

This advanced to using a Digital Video Recorder (DVR) or DVR card in a computer to convert the analog video signals to digital formats. Then the video can be recorded to a hard disc, or burned to a DVR. They were still closed systems using CCTV cameras that were viewable only by the administrators of the surveillance system. Recent advancements have allowed those DVR's to have the ability to connect to the Internet, so you can remotely view the cameras from any Internet accessible computer or smart phone. The problems are that the cameras are still analog and the system is far from perfect.

While Network IP Cameras have been around since the mid-1990's, they were originally not as good as professional analog cameras. The allowed digital imaging, networking, and storage, though they were usually web-cams that let you view a tiny, grainy image over the Internet, or a local area network.

The times have changed; technology and IP technology have married up with the digital camera, to create the ultimate video surveillance system. IP network capable cameras have caught up with analog camera technology, and now exceed the quality of the video from traditional CCTV cameras.

The main benefits of an Network IP based video surveillance system is:

* A complete digital solution, no need for DVR's or DVR cards.
* Ease of set-up, no video cables to run.
* Power the camera over your LAN, no power cables to run.
* Pan-Tilt-Zoom is built in, no need for additional hardware.
* 2-way audio is built in, now you can hear and talk to the person.
* Interlace problems are eliminated in high resolution cameras.
* The video is secure, and can be easily scalled as you needs grow.

These are the main advantages of a network surveillance system over an analog surveillance system, so you can make an educated decision before you purchase a new system, or upgrade an existing CCTV based system. You should know that IP cameras are more expensive then CCTV cameras, as they are considered a little computer by the network, and have the digitizing hardware built in.

The cost of installing a network IP camera system starts to pay for itself after 8 cameras, as you have a decreased labor cost due to no video cable to run, you just hook up a switch to a local area network and run your IP cameras off that.

What is the Spy Pen Digital Video Recorder?

If you need to perform covert field operations, you need a camera that will not stand out. If you feel a spouse or partner is not faithful, you need to find out the truth and video does not lie. There is a very discrete product on the market that combines a tiny full color camcorder with sound, with an innocent looking pen called the Spy Pen Digital Video Recorder.

The Spy Pen Digital Video Recorder is one of the coolest gadgets on the market because it gives you a digital video recorder with audio in the size of a working pen. There are many instances when someone would want to use the spy pen to record video.

If you are a private investigator or law enforcement, you need to gather evidence and one of the best ways is with some type of hidden camera. While there are many forms of hidden cameras, the ones that are the most effective are hidden in every day items that the person being watched would not think was a camera.

While there are body worn cameras, a person might scare away the person you need to film, so setting up something like a digital video spy pen on a table, you can record anything and no one will have a clue you are recording them.

If you have a spouse or partner that you feel is being unfaithful, you need evidence of your suspicions. The DVR pen might be the way to gather that information while the person you are watching does not know you are filming them.

Other uses for the Digital Video Spy pen would be birthdays, social events, weddings, or any family event or gathering of friends. Also good for recording accidents, riots, fights, or ??? The sky is the limit.

The Spy Pen Digital Video Recorder is very easy to operate. Unscrew the top and inside is a USB adapter on the top end; that is where the camera is. On the bottom ½ you have a small pen cartridge that works so you can write and record at the same time.

After you charge the internal lithium ion batter for 2 hours through a USB port or 12 volt adapter, you are ready to start recording 640 x 480 video with sound.

Just push the button on top once to turn the video pen on. The light on the back will turn yellow, indicating you are in stand-by mode. Push the top button again and it will turn blue, indicating you are recording.

The spy pen will record for about 2.5 hours, or until the battery runs out. It has internal memory of 2 or 4GB, that will record for up to 30 hours. You will have to keep charging the battery to get that much video.

To stop recording, push the top button again, and the light will turn to yellow after a second. If you want to record more, push the button once to turn the light to blue. To turn off the pen, push the button down until the yellow light goes off.

What is the Cyber Eye?


If you own any property, you run the risk of someone else wanting it for their own. While burglary rates have been declining recently, they still number about 25 per 1,000 households. You should have some sort of motion detection camera installed at home or your office to catch any intruders, and the Cyber Eye Infrared Digital Surveillance Camera is a good choice.

Burglary is defined as the unlawful or forcible entry or attempted entry of a residence. Burglary usually, though not always, involves theft. The person is usually a drug user that does not work, and needs money to support their habit. The use force to illegally enter your home or office by breaking a window or slashing a screen. They can also enter through an unlocked window or door. Whatever the method they use to enter the building, as long as they have no legal right to be inside, a burglary has occurred.

Also, the building need not be the house itself for a burglary to take place. Any illegal entry of a shed, garage, or any other structure on the premises also constitutes a burglary. Burglary can even occur in a hotel or while you are on vacation, it's still classified as a burglary.

Unless you have someone inside to watch your property 24/7, the simplest thing you can do is to have some sort of surveillance camera system in place to protect your property. If you can't afford a multi-camera system, there are several choices for single unit cameras that are self contained and can either record motion or pictures.

One of the most economical choices is the Cyber Eye Infrared Digital Surveillance Camera. The Cyber Eye Infrared Digital Surveillance Camera is a black & white, self-contained, motion detection camera that will take pictures of whatever is in front of its lens, whenever motion is detected, day or night. The Cyber Eye can be set to record images at intervals between one and sixty seconds, up to 680 images before the unit is full. That gives you recording times between 11.3 seconds to 11.3 minutes.

Since the Cyber Eye is a tiny, self contained camera, it can be set up anywhere in your home, office, or vehicle. You can point it out a window and it won't affect the image. One creative use is to put it in your car to catch vandals who might be damaging it, or spraying graffiti on your fence. Just activate the Cyber Eye up with the included remote control, and you can leave knowing your Cyber Eye Surveillance Camera will record any movement. This is not a good camera if you have children or pets, as they will be constantly triggering the camera. A volumetric room alarm that is activated by an open door or window is a better choice for those applications.

To view your images, simply plug the Cyber Eye into a TV or VCR, and use the remote to scroll through the images to find the ones you want. Then, you can record the images to the VCR, or you can use a Camcorder to record the images to tape, and then dump that into your computer so you can make a CD or DVD. The images are stored in non-volatile memory, so you can't loose them if your battery dies or the power goes out.

iPhone 3GS is Here

Apple has decided to call the next step in the evolution of its mobile bets, continuing the direction taken from the Darwinian revolutionary presentation of the first iPhone. Thus, today the firm based in Cupertino eliminated with the introduction of improvements in the technical section and the new iPhone OS 3.0, another group of factors that leaned against the decision to purchase the end user.

For starters, the iPhone 3GS, S Speed as its name suggests, improves overall performance by introducing a central processor and faster RAM, which allows up to three times the response speed of certain applications, and support networks 3G HSDPA 7.2 Mbps, which in combination with previous promises to improve dramatically the experience of Internet browsing from the terminal. The game performance will be affected for the better, thanks to the introduction of graphics processor compatible with the OpenGL - ES 2.0.

However, the most interesting on a technical level, as solving the great unfinished business of earlier iPhone, they have to do with the camera. This increases its resolution to 3.2 megapixels, in addition to focus, white balance and automatic exposure, a macro mode capable of shooting at a minimum distance of 10 centimeters and improved sensitivity in low light conditions.

SLA 3G iPhone video recording - finally! - Make act of presence, the iPhone 3G is capable of capturing images moving resolutions up to 640 × 480 pixels and 30 frames per second with audio. Simply tap on a virtual switch to switch between the two modes of image and video capture, using the touch screen of the terminal to indicate the area of the image we want to focus on.

In short, the S iPhone 3G will be available in Worldwide from June with the same design in white or black from the previous model, but it will offer versions with 16 or 32 GB of internal storage and is limited to some content the demands of those addicted to the features, focusing their most interesting innovations in the software section that will also enjoy a greater or lesser extent, those with mobile Apple generations.

Wii Active - A New Trend in Exercise

Gone are the days when you have to drive to the gym to get the decent workout that you deserve. In everyone's efforts to make fitness available to those with little spare time and a very little budget to actually head out of their houses and offices, several companies such as Nintendo and EA have collaborated to create the best exercise program out there.

Having your own gym equipment can also be too dear, and hiring a personal trainer can even weigh heavier on your financial position. The best solution is to get EAs Wii Active.

What makes this the best technological breakthrough to date? First, at the price of $60, it is much cheaper than today's Nintendo Wii Fit. It's a one-time purchase that provides you a lifetimes worth of service. Secondly, it includes accessories to help you with your positioning as you go through the exercise routine.

Thirdly, you can select a variety of games and programs to make your exercise spontaneous and more enjoyable. And lastly, you can customise your exercise and have your avatar keep an eye on of your progress as if you had a private trainer of your very own.

Today's generation can get benefits from the latest developments in the realm of technology and health. If someone said years ago that these 2 ideas were jointly exclusive, they're now proven incorrect.

Technology has proved to beat each realm, and it has taken down barriers to show everyone that they all can gain advantages from this latest advance. Stay fit, keep your schedules uninterrupted, and make exercise more fun with assistance from EAs Wii Active.

Which Surveillance Camera System Is Right For My Business?

If you own a business, you know that theft occurs by your customers and employees. Employee theft exceeds $8.5 billion annually! 75% of inventory shortages are attributed to employee theft. (National Restaurant Association). It's been reported that over 75% of internal theft is undetected, and growing at a 15% annual rate (Justice Department). All this dishonesty costs American businesses between ½% and 3% of their gross sales! Even 1% costs over one billion dollars a week in employee theft.

The results of all this? 30% of business failures are due to poor hiring practices by hiring thieves. Annual losses generated by poor hires, absenteeism, drug abuse, and theft amount to $75 billion per year. (U.S. Department of Commerce-Atlanta Business Chronicle.). While we can't screen your employees, you can keep an eye on them, and a video surveillance system is one of the best ways to do it.

When choosing a video surveillance camera system, there are several things to consider:

• Hidden Cameras vs. Visible Cameras

• Wireless Cameras vs. Wired Cameras

• Indoor Systems vs. Outdoor Systems

• Video Recording vs. DVR Recording

Hidden Cameras vs. Visible Cameras

Hidden Cameras

The first thing you want to consider is whether you want your cameras to be visible or not. Modern technology has reduced a video camera down to miniature levels. Hidden cameras can be hidden behind a pinhole, and can be put in practically any everyday item in your house or office, in a briefcase or backpack, or even hidden in a hat or behind a button. The advantage is that the criminal won't know they are being recorded, and you should catch more theft. Hidden cameras could be more expensive then visible cameras.

Visible Cameras

A visible camera system consists of any number of visible cameras from the black dome cameras you see in most stores, to the old fashioned kinds on brackets pointing at you at the bank. There are also high resolution cameras that can zoom in to tight detail. The advantages of these types of systems is that your criminal will know they are being watched, and that should deter a lot of crime that normally would occur without the cameras.

Even a series of dummy camera's, camera bodies with no working parts except a flashing red light, are proven to deter crime. If you don't have the funds for a working video surveillance system, just installing four to twelve dummy cameras fools the criminal into thinking you have a real system in place.

Wireless Cameras vs. Wired Cameras

You have two choices for the type of surveillance system, wireless and wired. Both have advantages and disadvantages;

Wireless Camera System

Wireless camera systems are the fastest systems to install, as you just need to mount the cameras, hook up the wireless receiver in the back room, and wire it all together to a power box and some type of system to record the video.

The advantages of wireless cameras are that they can be installed in locations that are difficult, if not impossible to wire. They can be moved to different locations easily, as often as you like, and if the need arises, they can be hidden inside a moving object like inside your cloth, cap, briefcase or carrying bag etc.

To overcome the disadvantages of a wireless camera, you should buy one with a higher frequency transmission band of at least 1.2GHz or above. If you need to take video from the wireless camera a long distance from the receiver, or there are walls, metallic or steel obstacles between the wireless camera and the receiver, you should buy a wireless model with a higher transmission power, that is, a transmitter with longer transmission distance. Another good idea is to use a high gain antenna for the transmitter or receiver, which will improve the signal transmission/reception.

The disadvantages of wireless cameras are that the video stream might be disturbed or influenced by moving objects or strong radio or even telephone frequencies. Video/audio transmission is limited within the prescribed transmission range. These disadvantages will not occur with a wired camera.

Wireless camera systems are also more expensive than wired systems, as they require a lot of receivers and transmitters to received the video that normally would run in the inexpensive wires. However, the costs are usually worth it, as it could cost less to install, and less to relocated. Overall, the video/audio signals from a wireless camera are less stable than a wireless camera.

Wired Camera Systems

Wired camera systems are more stable due to the cable, which doesn't have the interference problems associated with wireless systems. You need to run a video cable to each camera in order to get a video feed. You will have to run the wire either through the walls and ceiling, or have it exposed on the wall. While the cost of the system is less than a wireless system, it will require more work to install, and if you are paying someone, it might cost more than buying a wireless system.

You should look at the total costs to purchase and install both systems and go with what is best for you. Overall, the video/audio signals from a wired camera are more stable than a wireless camera.

Indoor Systems vs. Outdoor Systems

Depending on your needs, you will need a camera for indoor or outdoor needs. If you need to monitor your loading dock, you will need a camera that can withstand the elements. Unless it's specifically sold as an outdoor camera, a regular camera can't withstand the beating from Mother Nature that a weatherproof camera can endure.

You can find many types of outdoor camera, dome, bullet, and standard. All are enclosed in waterproof cases and some even have heaters for cold areas. You can also buy hardened cameras that will withstand direct hits from bats and hammers. These are recommended in high crime areas.

Video vs. DVR Recording

You need to determine if you want to record the activity, or just hire someone to monitor it. It's a good idea to record the video so you can give a copy to law enforcement for future needs. You have two choices, VCR or DVD.

VCR allows you to record the video with a Video Cassette Recorder (VCR) directly to a VHS tape. You can use a bank of standard VCR's, or there are high density VCR's that allow you to record days of video. Some come with motion detectors and won't record unless the video changes. The disadvantages are that you have to know about what time the event occurred, or you will have to review all the tape sequentially, or on fast forward.

The latest technology is using a DVR or PC based DVR system to record the video to disc. The advantages are a DVD can be burned from the digital recording. This is the easiest system to review your recordings, as you can jump ahead to any point in the recording, unlike the VHS tape. The initial cost will be larger than a VCR system, though you won't need to buy tapes, and the ease of use will be worth the extra money for a DVR based system.

You have two types of DVR systems, DVR recorder and PC based. DVR recorders feed the video directly into the hard drive or disc on the recorder and you either burn the disc, or back up the hard drive. These come in a variety of sizes, from standard sizes for indoor uses, down to field use DVRs the size of a pack of cigarettes that can record up to 60 hours of video from a hidden surveillance camera.

Your other option is the PC based surveillance system that uses a Personal Computer, a video capture card, and software as a control center that can not only record the video and burn it to disc, a quad can be installed to monitor the feeds on real time over a computer screen, and break it up into quadrants to monitor multiple cameras at the same time, in real time.

We have only just scratched the surface of video surveillance systems with this brief overview, and future articles will focus on the pros and con's of what is out there, and is it right for you.

Planning To Buy a Home Audio System? Read This Before You Buy

When it comes to entertainment, audio systems are one of the most important choices to make. With many advancements in sound engineering, lots of classy audio systems are available in the market to choose from. With lots of choices for audio systems, it can be confusing to choose the one for your entertainment needs. In the past, when you planned to buy a home audio system, you went straight to an electronics store, and chose the speakers based on their appearance, sound quality, and price. This process is simple and once you bought the speaker, you take it home and plug it into your sound system and will be satisfied with the music that the speaker plays. However, with many sophisticated technologies made available in home audio systems today, you now have lots of choices to make such as the choice of features, acoustics, appearance, portability and much more. This article will help you to choose the best home audio system for you. Keep on reading to make a perfect choice in home audio systems.

Travel A Lot? Choose Portability

People often stay away from the portable audio systems fearing that they will lack the audio quality. With the advancements in sound engineering, popular speaker manufacturers have made it possible to create ultra portable music systems with no compromise to quality. If you used to travel a lot and need to move frequently, you should definitely look for portable home audio systems. However, when it comes to buying portable home audio systems with great sound quality, you will have to spare thousands of dollars. Top quality with great portability never comes cheap.

Not an Audiophile? Choose Classy Looks

Not everyone out there needs outstanding music quality in their home audio system. Recent surveys indicate that most of the people buy home audio speaker systems mainly for interior design. The classy looks of the modern music system has found great importance in interior design. If you are not addicted to outstanding music quality, you should give first preference to the looks of the speaker. Great looking features with intermediate sound quality will not cost as much.

Not Enough Cash? There Are Home Audio System For You Too

You should remember the fact that not all the home audio speaker systems are costly. If you just want to listen to music with affordable quality, there are many cheap home theater systems available in the market. Though these audio systems don’t come with the most impressive looks, they fulfill the basic role of delivering pleasant music and reproducing quality sound for television and movies. Look for Discount Home Audio Speaker Systems to save cash.

There are audio systems for everyone’s needs. All you have to do is to identify your needs so that you can make better choices while buying home audio equipment.