
Mini Laptop Or Desktop - Which is Best?

Mini Laptop Or Desktop - Which is Best?

Author: Luther Martin

Desktops and laptops are used to process information at workplace. They are used to write business reports, to handle expenses for banks, schools, organizations, institutions etc. Apart from business purpose, desktops and laptops are used for playing games, music and entertainment. Computers are necessary in this techno trendy world. But the question is when opting to buy a computer, what to choose? Desktop or laptop!

Desktops are huge and occupy a wide space but mini laptop is very small in size and require a limited space. It can be carried anywhere and kept at ease. Omnipresent widespread Wi-Fi internet access makes mini laptop handling easier in all possible locations.

Desktop computers need a large and huge space to get occupied whereas we can use the mini laptop on any flat surface (lap, work desk, dining table, etc). Mini laptop is portable. We can carry them anywhere at anytime. Using laptops we can get a particular task done but desktops are bulky not portable.

Desktop computers might be used by single user or it might get shared among a group of users. Mini laptop is used by a single person for personal or business purpose. This makes the mini laptops safer and secured than desktops.

Mini laptops are cheaper than desktops and provide instant access to information while we travel in car, train even in plane. Mini laptops is the best choice for business people who travel frequently and this facility could not be fulfilled having a desktop computer. Weighing the benefits of desktops and mini laptops, considering ones life style and budget, mini laptops are the best choice to be owned.

About the Author:

Mini laptop has changed the way of computing in India. Moreover acer mini laptop has created a revolution. To know more about mini laptops in India, its features, reviews visit

Article Source: - Mini Laptop Or Desktop - Which is Best?

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