
Mini Laptop Or Desktop - Which is Best?


Mini Laptop Or Desktop - Which is Best?

Author: Luther Martin

Desktops and laptops are used to process information at workplace. They are used to write business reports, to handle expenses for banks, schools, organizations, institutions etc. Apart from business purpose, desktops and laptops are used for playing games, music and entertainment. Computers are necessary in this techno trendy world. But the question is when opting to buy a computer, what to choose? Desktop or laptop!

Desktops are huge and occupy a wide space but mini laptop is very small in size and require a limited space. It can be carried anywhere and kept at ease. Omnipresent widespread Wi-Fi internet access makes mini laptop handling easier in all possible locations.

Desktop computers need a large and huge space to get occupied whereas we can use the mini laptop on any flat surface (lap, work desk, dining table, etc). Mini laptop is portable. We can carry them anywhere at anytime. Using laptops we can get a particular task done but desktops are bulky not portable.

Desktop computers might be used by single user or it might get shared among a group of users. Mini laptop is used by a single person for personal or business purpose. This makes the mini laptops safer and secured than desktops.

Mini laptops are cheaper than desktops and provide instant access to information while we travel in car, train even in plane. Mini laptops is the best choice for business people who travel frequently and this facility could not be fulfilled having a desktop computer. Weighing the benefits of desktops and mini laptops, considering ones life style and budget, mini laptops are the best choice to be owned.

About the Author:

Mini laptop has changed the way of computing in India. Moreover acer mini laptop has created a revolution. To know more about mini laptops in India, its features, reviews visit

Article Source: - Mini Laptop Or Desktop - Which is Best?

7 Tips on How to Select The Perfect Laptop


7 Tips on How to Select The Perfect Laptop

Author: Kyle

7 Tips On How To Select The Best Laptop For You:

Tip 1: Know The Purpose Of Your Laptop. In other words, why are you buying a laptop? This is extremely important to know and admit to yourself because different purposes favor different aspects in a laptop. Are you a gamer? Then your going to want a great graphics card and a good amount of RAM (Random Access Memory). Are you a casual at-home user? Then you will want a great battery-life along with some Processor Speed (Ghz). It's very important to know what you need for your dream laptop.

Tip 2: Choose a Computer Look That fits your style. The best laptop for you is the one that is going to make you squirm by just looking at it. You should pick a color that you either love or a color that fits your personality. Professionals who use there computer for work and profit usually prefer white or gray. Experts who are serious and enjoy showing off their knowledge tend to go for black. More Unique users branch out and purchase red, green, or blue laptops. Also, are you after a laptop that is paper thin? Do you prefer a big screen? These are things you need to know before hand so you will know the perfect laptop the instant you see it. Check out my webpage (in the resource box) for way more information on this topic.

Tip 3: Know your price range. You can find the right computer for you much faster if you use advanced searches and enter in a price range. This will keep results off the page that you instantly disregard because they are either way out of your budget, or look way to cheap without good specs. How do you know your price range? Just ask yourself, "If I saw my dream laptop, with every attribute I wanted and more, would I pay $700 for it. What about $750. $800?" You get the point. Also, tell yourself your not going to jump on any deals that are WAY to good to be true. Obviously, your not going to get your dream laptop for $150. So don't aim for it. A really good way to get an awesome laptop for a much cheaper price is to build it yourself!

Tip 4: Aim For Decent Internal System Aspects. Like I said before, different purposes for a computer lead to different main aspects. But, overall you don't want anything to be horrible even if the rest is great. For example, you are getting 3 GB of RAM, a whopping 200 GB of Hard Disk Space, and for a great price, sounds great! But wait, the processor speed is only .5 Ghz, slow as a snail. Unfortunately, one major drawback like this can prevent us from being pleased with the laptop. Click Here for a great free table that shows you my personal opinions for good aspects.

Tip 5: Microsoft Windows or Apple MAC? This is a VERY big decision that you have to make. It all depends on your style and how you want your files organized. Windows gives you more of a decision on what security settings to use and where your files are placed. MAC can be very handy though because it organizes your files and folders for you. Which is for who? It depends on how much you know. If you know a lot about computers you will probably prefer Windows, where you can customize it to your style. If you don't know much and don't have a clue what your doing, then MAC is for you because its very hands off and keeps you from accessing your dangerous or program files. One more pro for MAC, Apple creates its own products for its products. What do I mean? Anything, and I mean anything, that is created by Apple for computers will work on your computer. Check out my website for way more free information on operating systems.

Tip 6: Get a Laptop that has that perfect "feel" to it. What am I talking about? Certain laptops may have something to them that will utterly annoy you forever. Examples:A screechy keyboard, USB ports in the back of the computer, an unresponsive mouse pad, etc. Look online to find information about other users of the laptop who had "annoyances," or, better yet, ask if you can try using the laptop for a test run before actually purchasing it. The goal is to find a laptop where everything is right where you want it, and the feel to everything is great!

Tip 7: Make sure you are getting everything you think you are getting. Buying a laptop off Ebay, Craigslist, or any other place that sells used or refurbished laptops? Then MAKE SURE to check contents of the package before purchasing. Some people will scam you and send you a laptop that has no power cord! Even some stores these days sell new laptops that have no wireless card (used for connecting to the internet wirelessly)! It is better safe than sorry, don't get cheated out of your money!

Thanks for reading!

About the Author:

Think any of the information here was interesting? Go to for way more free information on finding laptops.

Article Source: - 7 Tips on How to Select The Perfect Laptop

Speed Up Your Windows XP Netbook


Speed Up Your Windows XP Netbook

Author: Leo Smigel

Hard Drive Maintenance
If you have a netbook with an HDD inside, you’ll benefit from regular disk cleanup and defrag. Once every 2-3 months, it’s a good idea to run disk cleanup to clear out unused files and disk defrag to restructure your data so it can be accessed faster. Both can be found by clicking Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools.
Solid State Drives have no spinning platters or moving parts. It is, however, much smaller on average than HDD in terms of storage capacity. A disk cleanup is very useful in this case. Disk defragmentations are generally not seen as necessary with SSD, as the information is not on a spinning platter, but a chip with millions of transistors.

Video cards and drivers are almost identical throughout the world of netbooks. Intel GMA cards and drivers are in just about every netbook out there. Unfortunately, the simple BIOS doesn’t allow you to address the memory in most netbooks, but you can give it a little pick-me-up. GMA Booster, which is donationware (free to use, but must be reinstalled every 10 days unless a donation is made to the creator) is a great way to boost performance without worrying about the problems normally associated with overclocking. On average, I’ve noticed gains in performance by up to 30% when using GMA booster, with no real increase in the card temperature.

Edit Display Settings
Windows XP is the operating system most often loaded onto netbooks these days. Various forms of Linux may run smoother and are much thinner operating systems, but they don’t compare to the compatibility of Windows. Here are some simple visual performance techniques to make your xp windows open, close, and operate smoother without losing the feel of XP:
Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Performance Settings
Set the visual effects settings to adjust for best performance, then select only

  • Show shadows under menus
  • Show shadows under mouse pointer
  • Show translucent selection rectangle
  • Smooth edges of screen fonts
  • Use a background image for each folder type
  • Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop
  • Use visual styles on windows and buttons

Turn off System Restore
System restore takes up to 12% of your hard drive’s space to back up previous saved states of your computer for recovery purposes. Removing system restore can free up valuable free space on your drive, especially if you’re running off an SSD with only a few gigabytes of storage.

Disable Unused Windows Services
Windows services, while useful, often contain many processes that your typical user will never need. The goal to streamlining the efficiency of your Windows machine is making sure that you’re only running what you need to run. For fresh install, you should only need these services running:

  • COM+ Event System
  • DHCP Client
  • DNS Client
  • Event Log
  • IPSEC Services
  • Workstation
  • Shell Hardware Detection
  • System Event Notification
  • Protected Storage
  • Network Connections
  • NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
  • Plug + Play
  • Print Spooler
  • Remote Procedure Call
  • Secondary Logon
  • Security Accounts Manager
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply
  • Upload Manager
  • Wireless Zero Configuration

Power Management Settings
If you’re not too concerned with battery life, you can juice up the settings on your netbook to feed max battery to the computer. To do so, click on the battery in the task bar, or go to Start -> Control Panel -> Power Management and alter your settings to a desired configuration. Unfortunately, no battery power settings compare to the power supplied when plugged in. If at all possible, during times of high power consumption, i.e. streaming video from the internet or playing video games, you’ll want to plug in to A/C Power for the best performance.

With these tips as well as proper care and attention to maintenance, you can ensure that your netbook will perform better than the day you took it out of the box!

About the Author:


Joe Gottuso

IT Consultant @ Simplify IT

For more technology articles, visit

Article Source: - Speed Up Your Windows XP Netbook

Palm Pre Versus the Iphone


Palm Pre Versus the Iphone

Author: Simon Drew

The Last Gasp Good Enough?

The Palm Pre is a last gasp for Palm (a company that was previously a giant in the industry of smart handheld gadgets) in a market overrun with smart phones; the smartest (at least in terms of sales and popularity) of which, is the Iphone. If the Palm mobile phone is a swan song by Palm, Inc. then what a song it is. It has some new features that will certainly affect the future of the industry and should be considered a future threat by Apple but is it good enough to be a threat now?

Where the Palm Pre is Better

Both the Palm Pre and the Iphone have multi-touch, which is a definitely something that one should look for in a smart phone. But the Palm handheld has a slight upper hand in this department due to its more responsive and accurate system. Also, the addition of the “ripple effect” not only looks great but also gives the user some indication of whether he/she has touched the screen or not (which can become quite annoying). The gesture bar at the bottom of the touch screen also adds some more ease in controlling the touch screen with one hand; a great added feature.

The Iphone interface and software has been the barometer for any new entrants in the mobile market but its longevity is starting to become quite tiresome or boring. Also, its insistence on running one application at a time is starting to become a nuisance.

The Palm Pre on the other hand has a fresh and agile software and interface. But its novelty is not the only thing that it has going for it. The interface also has the ability to stand on its own; it looks good and is very responsive.

What further adds to its competitiveness and is its ability to multitask (open more than one application at a time), which the Iphone cannot do. Also, it’s beautifully designed and innovative Web OS that makes the Internet play a central role in the system is something that will surely be a trend we will see in the smart phone market in the coming years.

Other features are also great, like its high quality camera, a crisp screen and an adorable outer casing that only add to its appeal.

The Verdict

The Palm Pre is a surprise; it is an underdog but unfortunately, the underdog does not win this round. There are still some aspects that need to be addressed before it can truly become an Iphone-killer. First of all, there is the absurdly sharp bottom corner that threatens to break skin when one is not careful. Apart from that, the case also feels a tad bit flimsy, especially when you slide it up to reveal the QWERTY keypad.

Also, there is the very important aspect of being cool and trendy. In that respect, the Palm handheld has no shot. The Iphone is still the mobile phone that screams, “I am cool and you are not” that is craved by the youth market.

In the end, it is a great try but still not quite there yet but if it ever does evolve into something a tad bit better, then Apple better watch out.

About the Author:

If you are looking for Palm Pre deals then visit They compare all the latest mobile phone deals from a range of online retailers. They also compare mobile broadband ensuring you are always connected.

Article Source: - Palm Pre Versus the Iphone

Blackberry Curve 8520: A View of What’s to Come


Blackberry Curve 8520: A View of What’s to Come

Author: Simon Drew

The Blackberry Curve 8520 is only an entry-level smartphone, which means it will not match up to the same performance level as the more beefed up smartphones that currently is flooding the market. But if this is what their entry-level smartphone looks like, then one can expect a very bright and very exciting future for high-end Blackberry smartphones ahead.

The Trackball

The most obvious change that one will notice on the Blackberry Curve 8520 is the replacement of the physical trackball with the new and impressive optical trackball. There will be some people who will be quite critical about this new technology but as far as initial reviews go, this new technology will be here to stay. The new optical trackball is very fluid and very easy to use. Probably the only problem one will encounter when using this new trackball is when one is playing “Brickbreaker,” and even then, all one needs is a little practice.

This optical trackball (technically it is an optical trackpad) is very sensitive and is also adjustable, just in case it is a little too fast for some users. There is also an option for sound, since there will be some people who will be a little bothered by the silent navigation (those who find comfort in hearing a clicking sound to accompany their movements while navigating).

There has been some concern though, regarding using the trackpad in a place with bright lights or with a wet finger. But so far, there have not been any significant complaints or comments regarding these concerns from actual users.

Perhaps the biggest benefit that the trackpad has for the Blackberry Curve 8520 is the added durability it gives to the handset. Without any moving parts, the trackpad should have a longer life than its predecessor.

The Applications

The Blackberry Curve 8520 also has a lot of applications geared towards utilizing the current trend of social networking sites. Such applications include tools for Facebook, Flickr, and Myspace. It also has the now famous TwitterBerry, which allows a user to access all the different basic functions of Twitter. Basically, once clicked, it will prompt you a question (“What are you doing?”) and allow you to answer with your Twitter Message.

The Blackberry Curve 8520 also has a straightforward set-up for emails and instant messaging. It supports the usual hosts Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, and of course, BlackBerry Messenger.

If more applications are required, apps (up to 800) are available for download in the Blackberry App World site. Also, it comes with the Blackberry Desktop Manager, for Windows and a version for Mac users will be made available in September.

The Future

Since the Blackberry Curve 8520 is an entry-level model, it cannot be expected to have the shiniest and most powerful features technology has to offer but it does give a glimpse of what the future holds. If for nothing else, this smartphone has at least given us a glimpse of the new technology RIM will most likely utilize for future models. Even if you don’t buy this smartphone, it will at least feed your interest for their future high-end devices and that is just good marketing.

About the Author:

For a comparison of Blackberry Curve 8520 deals visit They compare Blackberry Curve 8520 36-Month Contracts and also Blackberry Curve 8520 on PAYG.

Article Source: - Blackberry Curve 8520: A View of What’s to Come

Nokia E66 Grey Classy Design for Professionals


Nokia E66 Grey Classy Design for Professionals

Author: carlodanie

Nokia E66 Grey is a 3G phone that comes with a slide opening casing and in two colour casing options including a grey coloured casing & white steel coloured casing. The Nokia E66 is a member of the popular Nokia E series that measures 107.5mm tall by 49.5mm wide by 13.6mm deep & weighs 121 grams. The phone has slide out numeric keypad & an easy to use Navi key features. The Nokia E66 Grey has built in 110 megabytes memory and it also supports a MicroSD memory card slot that allows the user to expand their phones memory up to 8 gigabytes in size. The E66 works on Symbian 9.2 operating system and comes with fast & useful technologies such as 3G HSDPA technology, HSCSD & EDGE technologies that allow enjoying fast connectivity, Internet & data transfers.

The phone also supports a selection of connectivity options including USB, infra red, Wi-Fi & Bluetooth that allows connecting Nokia E66 to other compatible devices to transfer data or files. The built in Wi-Fi technology allows the user to enjoy a wireless connection to the Internet & built in A GPS system allows the user to gain maps & directions on this phone. The E66 Grey works over GSM & WCDMA and rechargeable battery when fully charged can provide the user with approximately 7.5 hours of GSM talk time. The user can chat or stay in contact with compatible contacts by using the built in instant messaging service, built in mobile email service ,text messages, multimedia picture & video messages. Now Nokia e75 is advanced phone of e-series perfect business phone.

The E66 supports call features including voice over IP Internet call function, a push to talk call feature and a hands free speaker call over the phones speaker system & a conference call with up to six contacts on one call. The Nokia E66 includes music player with easy to use music controls & features that allows the user to enjoy favourite tracks as well as downloading & transferring music files. A FM radio with a radio RDS feature allows the user to enjoy music station. The Nokia E66 comes with a built in 3.2 megapixel Camera feature with a four times digital zoom, auto focus feature, LED flash & a CMOS sensor that supports still image capture & video capture. The phone has preloaded games that bring another element of fun to this 3G phone. Compare all nokia phones on various online phone shops.

About the Author:

About Askphone: bring to you a wide range of mobile phones with special offers. Compare mobile phones deals from all UK leading Moible phones Retailers.

Article Source: - Nokia E66 Grey Classy Design for Professionals

HTC S710 Mobile Phone


HTC S710 Mobile Phone

Author: John Wells

A smart phone with a slide-out keyboard isn't exactly a rarity these days, but this model stands out from its rivals because it doesn't have the girth of a Russian weightlifter. In fact, it's only marginally thicker than your average candybar handset. The other big news is that it runs the brand new version of Microsoft's mobile phone OS -- Windows Mobile 6. Orange will be branding the handset as the E650, so if you're on that network you'll be able to get it free on contract. Others will be able to pick it up for around £270 as the HTC S710. Design The HTC S710 is the best-looking Windows smart phone we've seen in a long time. The mirrored metal surround that circles the front of the phone contrasts perfectly with the black styling of the rest of the handset and the rubberised plastic on the rear makes it comfortable to grip in your hand.

The slick design is all the more impressive because the body of the phone hides a full Qwerty keyboard. To get at the keyboard you just push the screen to the left. When the keyboard pops out, the bright and crisp display automatically switches from portrait to landscape view giving it much the same feel as a clamshell PDA.

The slide-out keyboard is a decent size and has backlit keys

We wouldn't exactly describe the keyboard as spacious, but it's just about large enough for two-finger typing. The keys are also backlit, so you'll have no problems tapping out text messages or emails on the way home after a night out.

Of course, you don't always have to use the slide-out keyboard to control the phone. Every element of the software can also be driven by the keypad on the front. This has twin soft keys at the top along with a large direction pad that makes it easy to move through the menus. The number keys, however, are a tad on the small side, so popping out the Qwerty keyboard is definitely the best option when you need to type long text messages or emails.

To sync the phone with your PC there's a mini-USB port on the bottom. This is also used for charging the handset and for hooking up the headphones for use with the built-in media player.


This is the first handset we've seen that runs the latest version of Microsoft's phone OS -- Windows Mobile 6 -- which was formerly known as Crossbow. Apart from spruced-up icons, the bulk of the user interface doesn't look all that different from the previous version.

There have been some tweaks here and there, though. For example, the call history is now listed next to names in the Contacts list and the Calendar has been updated with a handy new appointment preview pane at the bottom of the screen.

Microsoft has also improved the messaging functionality. You can now resize text in emails, which is neat as it means less scrolling when reading long messages, and for the first time you get support for HTML emails.

The other major update is the inclusion of new XT9 predictive text messaging. It differs from the standard T9 software by the inclusion of automatic spell correction and next letter prediction. What this means in practice is that a list of predicted words appears at the bottom of the display as you type. So if you want to enter 'follows', you only have to type 'fol' and then pick the full predicted word from this list. It's useful for those who are slow at texting, but speed demons will often find it's faster to just type the whole word rather than move through the predicted list to find the right one.

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About the Author:

John Wells is an expert in personal electronic gadgets including Laptops, Mobile Phones, Dell Inspiron 1525, and many more. Read the Expert Reviews and Users Reviews of your gadgets at

Article Source: - HTC S710 Mobile Phone

Touchscreen phones - just why are the modern ones so good?


Touchscreen phones - just why are the modern ones so good?

Author: Matt Sharp

It's not just smartphones that have touchscreens. Let's take a look at three phones that, whether smartphone or not, show how good modern touchscreens are.

LG Viewty Smart

The first Viewty was one of the most successful phones LG have ever made, and now, the true successor to the name has arrived in the shape of the LG Viewty Smart. Featuring the new touch-based S-Class UI, the LG Viewty Smart is an incredible phone to use, with slick animations and smooth transitions between screens and menus. As well as the 8MP camera in the LG Viewty Smart, you also get a stunning multimedia player, and super-fast internet access, making the LG Viewty Smart one of the coolest camera phones out there.

Samsung i8910 HD

The LG Viewty Smart is undoubtedly going to be a superb touchscreen camera phone. However, for the most exciting camera phone announced this year, we need to go back to Symbian, with the Samsung i8910 HD. It takes the crown of most powerful on this list for two reasons. First, the Samsung i8910 HD is built on Symbian, so whilst the interface will be familiar (the top shell is TouchWiz again), the phone gets a massive power boost over its siblings, giving it real smartphone credentials. The other factor that makes the Samsung i8910 HD so spectacular is video. Not only does it take still images at 8 megapixels, but the Samsung i8910 HD will also record video in true, 720p resolution, high-definition video. No other phone in the world can do that yet, so the Samsung i8910 HD has to be one of the most exciting phones ever, not just in 2009.

HTC Hero

So, there's the LG Viewty Smart, with its 8MP camera. And then, there's the Samsung i8910 HD, which wows you with its Symbian OS and its HD video recording. However, there's an open source alternative to those two. Android is trying to take over the world, and its new home is the beautiful HTC Hero. It has all the good stuff that made the first Android phone (the G1) good, but puts it all in a touchscreen-only body, which is both sleek and sexy. Since the keyboard has been removed, the HTC Hero also has a full, onscreen keyboard, and a sumptuous new interface called Sense. You also get the Android Marketplace, which lets you download and install third party apps to your HTC Hero, and it ends up creating a smartphone that really can morph into whatever you want it to be. It really is a kind of Hero; it's the HTC Hero.

About the Author:

Expert on mobile phones, having worked in the industry for over 7 years.

Article Source: - Touchscreen phones - just why are the modern ones so good?

Enjoy more with Samsung S5600 Blade


Enjoy more with Samsung S5600 Blade

Author: Shefali Roy

With the advent of the high-tech mobile phones, the process of communication has become lot easier. The best part is that now with the help of one single device, you can enjoy net surfing, photography, interesting games and music at any point of time. The leading brands design their products accordingly and Samsung S5600 Blade is another addition to the capable and equally stunning mobile phones. The handset comes with a 2.8 inches TFT touchscreen and is available in pink and black coloured casings. The added advantages of accelerometer sensor and gesture lock enhance the value of the smart phone to a great extent. The efficient product weighs 92 grams only and it's slim and sleek dimensions of 102.8 x 54.8 x 12.9 mm make it all the more pocket friendly. The built-in phonebook of the handset is designed to store large number of contacts. Moreover, the user friendly device supports polyphonic, WAV and MP3 ringtones.

Apart from this, the fabulous samsung mobile phone is equipped with a built-in camera of 3.2 MP which captures the beautiful moments of life with much ease. On one hand, the inclusion of the LED flash facilitates well illuminated shots even in the dull surroundings. While, on the other hand, the camera takes the shot when subject smiles, thanks to smile detection facility. In addition to this, the presence of the secondary camera guarantees 3G video calling and the users can enjoy face to face calling with the other compatible contacts. Not only this, the Samsung S5600 Blade is rich in music features also. First of all, the built-in music player of the gadget allows you to get tuned to your favourite tracks whenever you want. It supports MP3, WMA & AAC audio formats. Moreover, the music freaks can also keep themselves busy with FM radio which comes complete with the RDS feature.

The efficient handset is good for net savvy people also as it is provided with a built-in WAP 2.0 XHTML & HTML web browser. The users can enjoy hassle free and easy Internet browsing. The useful facilities of Bluetooth and USB port allow easy sharing of data and files with the other compatible devices. To ensure fast rate data transfers, the handset supports EDGE & GPRS technologies. The brilliant mobile phone works with the quad band technology which switches over GSM 850, 900, 1800 & 1900 network bands to ensure worldwide coverage. Moreover, the smart phone also switches between HSDPA 900 & 2100 bands.

The usefulness of the Samsung S5600 Blade is beyond doubt as it is replete with many other useful features. The list starts with the excellent messaging service which enables you to stay connected with your loved ones at any point of time. The users can keep in touch with family and friends through text messages (SMS) or with multimedia messages (MMS) where they can add pictures and sound along with the text. Not only this, one can also use Emails to stay connected with other people. The handset comes with the internal memory of 50 MB. For more storage capacities, the users can expand the memory further up to 8 GB by inserting the card in the microSD memory card slot. The user friendly device is equipped with a fitted rechargeable battery which delivers 2 hours talk time and 250 hours of stand by time. So, the smart phone is flooded with numerous advanced applications and the stunning looks make it all the more irresistible.

About the Author:

Shefali Roy is a webmaster of bestphoneshop in UK and deals in mobile phones. Here u can get the information related to Samsung mobile phones like Samsung S5600 blade and many more. For more details visit

Article Source: - Enjoy more with Samsung S5600 Blade

Samsung C6625 Valencia: Brilliant handset, fabulous features


Samsung C6625 Valencia: Brilliant handset, fabulous features

Author: Shefali Roy

No doubt, the current age is driven by advanced technology and mobile phones are no different. These upgraded handsets assist the users with advanced applications and come with great looks. The users have become more demanding and want smart mobile phones which fulfill their needs in the best possible manner. In order to meet the demands of the users and to retain their names in the ever-growing market of handsets, the manufacturers come with highly capable yet user friendly devices. Similarly, products from the house of Samsung come with numerous advanced features. Likewise, another 3G handset from the brand, Samsung C6625 Valencia is a blend of gorgeous looks and upgraded features. The stunning device attracts the users with it's black, wine red, navy blue and apple green coloured casings. The pocket friendly product weighs only 109 grams and it's manageable dimensions amounts to 113.3 x 63 x 11.9 mm.

Apart from this, the efficient product comes with the TFT screen of 2.6 inches which displays 65 k colours. Moreover, the inclusion of the QWERTY keyboard facilitates easy numeric and text input. The internal memory of 100 MB can be expanded further up to 8 GB by inserting the card in the microSD memory card slot. With the efficient battery of the samsung mobile phones, you can enjoy 7 hours talk time and 300 hours of stand by time, on fully charged condition. Another useful feature of document viewer makes it possible for the users to edit Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and PDF files at any point of time. The efficient mobile phone supports A-GPS navigation which gives you the best possible idea of the desired location. In addition, the smart phone takes care of the imaging needs and comes with a built-in camera of 2 MP. The users can capture all the beautiful moments of life with much ease. Moreover, the gadget also allows you to enjoy face to face 3G video calling with the other compatible devices, thanks to secondary camera. The list of the useful features gets richer with the inclusion of the interesting embedded games and the FM radio. The Samsung C6625 Valencia is provided with a built-in WAP 2.0 HTML web browser which assists the net savvy people and enables them to access Internet whenever they want.

The useful gadget works with the tri band network technology. In order to ensure worldwide coverage, the smart phone switches between GSM 900, 1800 & 1900 network bands. The presence of the Bluetooth and USB port allows the users to share data and files with the other compatible contacts. In addition, the users can enjoy fast rate data transfers, thanks to EDGE and GPRS technologies. The built-in phonebook of the handset stores large number of entries whereas the excellent messaging service enables you to stay connected with other people through SMS, MMS and Emails. Moreover, the fabulous Samsung C6625 Valencia is designed to support MP3 and downloadable polyphonic ringtones. So, the utility of the gadget is beyond doubt as it fulfills all the requirements of calling, messaging, imaging, gaming and Internet surfing in the best possible manner.

About the Author:

Shefali Roy is a webmaster of bestphoneshop in UK and deals in mobile phones. Here u can get the information related to Samsung mobile phones, Samsung C6625 Valencia and many more. For more details visit

Article Source: - Samsung C6625 Valencia: Brilliant handset, fabulous features

LG KF900 Prada II – Retaining huge style


LG KF900 Prada II – Retaining huge style

Author: Payal Jindal

LG unveiled LG KF900 Prada II, the successor of LG Prada phone on october2008. It has been engraved with some fancy features and applications that compliment the exquisite outlook of this designer handset. The major difference is the QWERTY keyboard that was not found in previous handsets. Also the 2 mega pixel camera in original Prada mobile phone has been replaced by 5MP shooter with Schneider Kreuznach certified lens.

Usability features

The utility of multi touch control has been integrated in this design for document viewer, web browsing and image viewer. The most appealing part is its multitasking utility that allows running seven different applications at the same time. To auto rotate the device in any mode like portrait or landscape, an accelerometer sensor has been also engraved in this gadget. The responsive time is also quick; a slight touch of command will open out that quickly. Furthermore, flash technology has been also incorporated in this gadget that enhances picture capturing experience.

Multimedia functions

Along with a 5 mega pixel camera, a secondary camera has been also equipped in this mobile phone for making video calls. Slow motion video recording has been also made possible by this handset; it also introduces the video features of TV output and Divx playback. Its multi codec support is really praiseworthy including the formats H.264, MP3, H.264, AAC+, eAAC+, AAC+, WAV and MIDI. For personalization of mobile phone, several ringtones and wallpapers are also provided with downloading capability.

G-sensor games have been also embedded in the mobile phone; users are also allowed to download recent games from net. With camera equipped in this communication tool, the option of image stabilization is also provided that helps to capture moving objects. The expandable memory support of this device offers an opportunity to store more images and video clips.Several other features incorporated in this wonderful design are internet connectivity, 3G capability, wireless Bluetooth data connectivity, HSDPA and LCD touch screen display.

About the Author:

Nokia E75, Nokia E75 Red, Nokia E90 Communicator are the popular offers and these mobile phone contracts are available on Online Mobile Phone Shop UK.

Article Source: - LG KF900 Prada II – Retaining huge style

LG KP500 White - Great Design


LG KP500 White - Great Design

Author: Payal Jindal

LG has recently announced the availability of LG KP500 White that is ready to rock the mobile world through its wide array of spectacular features and amazing functionality. It offers a smart touch screen display and the user interface of Active Flash. It’s integrated 3.15 mega pixel camera renders an exceptional picture capturing experience while embedded games add to the audacious nature of users.

Hardware specifications

The nice weight, that is 89 gm, makes it possible to carry the unit anywhere in the pocket. It complements your overall outfit when beholding in hands. The dimensions of this unit are 106 x 55 x 11 mm. It incorporates resistive touch screen display that offers the color scheme of 265K colors. It helps to view all captured pictures in most natural and colorful mode by offering the resolution of 240 x 400 pixels.

Furthermore, an accelerometer sensor is also equipped that helps for rotating the panel in the desired mode when taking a look of captured photographs. The memory of 40 mega bytes is on the board, one can also introduce external memory slot if needed for the expansion of overall storage area. This massive memory allows the customers to keep the record of previous calls made or received and also missed calls. One can store about 1000 contact entries in the colossal memory; it also helps to make photo calls.

Connectivity and network support

Quad band GSM network is supported in different frequency bands such as GSM 1900, GSM 850, GSM 1800 and GSM 900. The most advanced GPRS, class 10 with the speed of 32 to 48 kbps is preserved by this mobile phone. EDGE technology is also there which introduces a great handiness while connectivity; the integration of USB offers great assistance for connecting the handset with personal computer and also directs the data transfer among the two. Wireless Bluetooth technology is incorporated in the unit that provides a wireless way to share favorite music tracks and video clips with friends.

About the Author:

Nokia N95 8GB, Nokia N96, Nokia N97 are the popular offers and these mobile phone contracts are available on Online Mobile Phone Shop UK.

Article Source: - LG KP500 White - Great Design

HTC Hero Contract: New smart phone with lucrative schemes


HTC Hero Contract: New smart phone with lucrative schemes

Author: Gale Weathers

HTC Hero is the best choice if anyone wants to buy the mobile phone. This is an impressive mobile which has a wealth of function that will surely delight the user and keep them amused for hours. This handset is developed on hardware configuration. It is being one of the android ranges of phones. This handset is available with many offers and deals that why known as HTC Hero Contract.

HTC Hero runs on the impressive Google backed android operating system which is designed more like a pocket computers which are easier and quicker to carry out desktop computer. This is a best mobile phone which comes with a huge TFT touch screen of 3.2 inches and the user can view up to 65 thousand colors. It also consists of an accelerometer sensor and trackball.

HTC Hero has the remarkable entertainment features such as 5 mega pixel camera with advanced features like auto focus, video recorder and player, photos album etc. It provides the means to ensure pictures that are taken are clear and crisp. You can also pass your leisure time easily while listening to your favorite music with the help of music player which supports MP3, AAC and window media 9. Plus FM radio with RDS is also available at all the time. Polyphonic and MP3 ring tones are also included. The internet connectivity is provided by the Wi-Fi and HSDPA facilities. It speeds up to 7.2 Mbps that provides suitably fast web browsing. There are additional connectivity such as GPRS and EDGE as well as Bluetooth and miniUSB. This handset is armed with standard battery backup of 440 hours of standby and 8 hours of talk time. This handset also comes with an expendable microSD memory card option.

HTC Hero Contract deal is available in all over the world with most of attractive offers and prices. In UK, network providers offer the most valuable and effective contract deals on mobile phones. On the Hero contract there are many benefits such as free line rental, free text message and calls, free accessories and insurance. Through this contract he can select the tariff plan that suits to his needs. For instances, this handset is available in 12, 18, 24 and 36 months tariff plan with line rental, free with monthly calls and texts with any network, with the incentive of cash back. This will reduce the monthly cost and the handset price would also decrease.

About the Author:

Gale Weathers is associated with Best Mobile Phone Deals. He holds a bachelor's degree in electronics and communication. To know more about best mobile phone, HTC Hero Contract. please visit

Article Source: - HTC Hero Contract: New smart phone with lucrative schemes

LG BL40 Chocolate: Taking Beauty Seriously


LG BL40 Chocolate: Taking Beauty Seriously

Author: Simon Drew

The LG BL40 Chocolate is just like a dark chocolate bar; it is sleek and beautiful, mouth-wateringly appetizing and, at the end of the day, is good for you. It maybe a beautiful piece of equipment but it does not lack in its ability to make a user’s life better and also more beautiful.

The Hardware

The LG BL40 Chocolate comes in a beautiful black case with an undeniably gorgeous 4” touchscreen. This screen displays a resolution of 345 x 800 pixels with Type 16 777 216 colors, TFT (it basically can display over 16 million colors). It also comes with a 5-megapixel camera that can capture both photos and videos. This camera also comes with Auto focus, digital zoom, CMOS image, a built-in flash and even a secondary camera one can use for video calling. It also has a USB port, is Bluetooth capable, FM radio feature, microSD slot and a Li-Ion battery.

The biggest feature of the LG BL40 Chocolate is its extended screen. With this huge screen, photos and videos appear clear and crisp (almost like you are looking at a point-and-shoot camera screen). But this screen is not merely for high quality photo and video viewing but also has the ability to provide high quality mobile Internet browsing.

Certainly, aesthetics play a big part in the appeal of this mobile phone. It is sleek and modern, with the ability to surprise and leave a user in awe at the sheer quality of the images one sees through it massive screen. In terms of looks, its appeal is universal.

The Software

The LG BL40 Chocolate also has a lot of features that give substance to its beauty. It has Data GPRS, Edge, HSDPA of up to 7.2 Mps and is 3G and WiFi capable. It supports a wide array of media formats including MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A, AMR, 3GP, 3GPP and others for audio files and MPEG4, 3GP, WMV, AVI, DivX, Xvid, and others for video files. This wide range of multimedia support means an easier and simpler entertainment feature. Couple this with the huge screen and you have one very impressive multimedia device.

Other features include email capabilities (IMAP / POP3 / SMTP), PhoneBook caller groups, a capacity of 1000 contacts (with multiple numbers per contact), picture and ring ID, a PIM alarm, a calendar, a To-Do application, a World clock, Memo application, a converter, video recording and a speaker phone. It is also GPS capable.

The Verdict

The LG BL40 Chocolate is certainly beautiful. It has the potential to get the same status as the Iphone in terms of its ‘cool’ appeal but what this mobile phone lacks is the sheer amount of applications the Iphone has. Yes, it does come with enough features to make its beauty more substantial but unfortunately, other mobile phones have more. It is still a beautiful piece of equipment that will surely leave its mark in the industry. It is worth your time and your money so if you are sick and tired of the Iphone, this smartphone will definitely be a breadth of fresh air. Besides, who doesn’t like a piece of chocolate from time to time?

About the Author:

For a comparison of LG BL40 Chocolate deals visit They compare LG BL40 Chocolate 36-Month Contracts and also LG BL40 Chocolate on PAYG.

Article Source: - LG BL40 Chocolate: Taking Beauty Seriously

Samsung S9110: A Thinner World


Samsung S9110: A Thinner World

Author: Simon Drew

Great Possibilities

It is becoming a trend; the world of technology is moving towards a thinner and thinner trend. Soon, it will not be unlikely that the market will start shelling out mobile phones that can be stored in the wallet. One might even see mobile phones that have the thinness of a credit card, or at least almost as thin.

These propositions might seem a little absurd now but one has to remember that it also used to be absurd to see people using mobile phones on their wrist. It used to be reserved for the super spy, who never seems to get killed or even get wounded. But here comes the Samsung S9110, a mobile phone that is also a wristwatch. Yes, a wristphone; one that will make the hardest and coolest of super, secret agents green with envy.

This only goes to show how full of possibilities the mobile phone industry has and how even the most absurd of ideas can become realities thanks to technological development.

The Design

The Samsung S9110, the newest wristwatch phone from Samsung comes in a deceptively small frame measuring 57.5 x 41.1 x 11.98 mm in size. It also weighs a staggering 91 grams. This incredibly tiny body is lined with stainless steel, further adding to its sleek and modern look. It also has a 1.76” touchscreen that is perfectly scratchproof and perfectly durable. It also comes with a leather strap that that is black and very stylish, keeping the theme of elegance.

This is certainly not a mobile phone that is strapped on the wrist; it is more of a wristwatch that has the features of a mobile phone. The Samsung S9110 is simply that beautiful; in fact from a far, it is nothing more than a beautiful watch and its mobile phone identity is not at all evident.

The Features

The Samsung S9110 has a 176 x 220 pixel resolution with a 262k-color TFT TSP display. It also has a respectable internal memory for its size (40 MB). It is also Bluetooth 2.1 capable, has an mp3 player, and also has a speakerphone. It comes with a 630mAh battery, a polyphonic ringtone capability, SMS and MMS messaging, and a whole lot more.

The Samsung S9110 is the thinnest wristwatch in the world. Measuring a mere 11.98 mm thin, this new offer from Samsung has just trumped LG’s GD910 as the thinnest in the market. This incredible wristwatch is definitely something very exciting and something that needs to be watched since this new offer opens the door to thinner world.

About the Author:

For a comparison of Samsung S9110 deals visit They compare Samsung S9110 24-Month Contracts and also Samsung S9110 on Orange.

Article Source: - Samsung S9110: A Thinner World

Samsung S8000 Jet: Super handset for the new generation


Samsung S8000 Jet: Super handset for the new generation

Author: Richard Meyers

Samsung is the best known electronic brand in all over the world. Along with other electronic appliances it also launched the different mobile phones in the market. This brand mobile phone has given a tough competition to all other brands handset as it is unique in features and always available in affordable price. This time Samsung engineers has come up with new handset i.e. Samsung S8000 Jet in the market. This handset is well equipped with advanced features and has an attractive appearance.

This Samsung S8000 Jet is a sleek and smart phone. It is 3G touch screen phone with high resolution of display. In looks it is a slim and slender which makes the user to carry in his pocket. It weight is just about 110 grams which gives a sturdy feel. This is a smart phone and have superior touch screen which will fit into the user life. This handset works for the purposes such as business as well as communication. It has large resistive touch screen of 3.1 inches which uses the display of 16 M colors. This Samsung phone provides an accelerometer sensor for auto rotation.

This Samsung Jet works with GSM quad band network and 3G networks. This technology allows the user to enjoy high speed of internet connectivity. It also provides high speed when the user is transferring data between their phone & other devices. This handset is built with GPS navigation which allows the user to geo tagging their photos. User can easily use the option of messaging through the keypad provided. This mobile phone also has other features like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3.5mm audio jack, standard micro USB and a standard battery with good backup of talk time and stand by time.

About the Author:

Richard Meyers is associated with Mobile Phone Deals Free Gifts. He holds a master's degree in electronics and communication. To know more about Samsung S8000 Jet, mobile phone. please visit

Article Source: - Samsung S8000 Jet: Super handset for the new generation

INQ Mini 3G: A New Budget Mobile Phone


INQ Mini 3G: A New Budget Mobile Phone

Author: Simon Drew

INQ has just released a brand new budget mobile phone into the mobile market, the INQ Mini 3G. Although they have already had success with INQ1, the people in INQ decided to release a mobile phone that is quite likely to be far cheaper and far more successful.

The Design

The design of the INQ Mini 3G of course leave a lot to want for but that is not the goal of this mobile phone. It is not aiming to compete in the same level as the Iphone or the Blackberry; it is on its own level and that is basically the reason for its eventual success.

The look of the mobile phone is pretty straightforward; it looks like a regular mobile phone rather than s smart phone. It is pretty slim and slips nicely into the pocket without making your jeans bulk up. It also does not have a heavy or weighty feel to it. Then again, it is not suppose to be as heavy as either the Iphone or the Blackberry, it is just basically suppose to be a mobile phone that does a lot of things those two mobile phones do, and do it well.

The INQ Mini 3G also offers some interchangeable covers which adds to the fun and also brings back the ability to personalize the outer casing of the mobile phone, previously seen in those old but phone mobile phones of Nokia. Its keypad is also a throwback to the old mobile phones, feeling a little smaller than its predecessor but still manageable and fairly easy to press.

Other Features

It also has a Mini USB port for power but it might have been more practical to stick a microUSB port in as well but it is at least a breadth of fresh air that INQ is not using a proprietary charger.

The INQ Mini 3G also has a very similar interface that was seen in INQ1 (it also has the scrolling carousel that provides access to the vast array of applications being offered). Although this new mobile phone’s operating system was similar, it is also an improvement on its predecessor’s OS since starting and running applications, which used to be quite sluggish, now is quite fast and had a certain zip to it.

It also has a real-time Twitter feature (which is quite promising), as well as provides an opportunity to use Facebook and Skype until you are sick and tired of it. It also has a camera that adds to the experience.

The Verdict

It may appear that this mobile phone is a phone from the past that just so happened to contain a few features that today’s mobile phones have. The main problem users have with this mobile phone is the fact that people nowadays focus their efforts and attention on those that have something magical and mystical to offer (something that no other mobile phone provides).

If you are one of those people, then the INQ Mini 3G will surely disappoint you. It is not that type of mobile phone; it is low budget mobile phone that gives you some of the functionality of today’s smartphone and for some people, this is exactly what they are looking for.

About the Author:

If you are looking for INQ Mini 3G deals then visit They compare all the latest mobile phone deals from a range of online retailers. They also compare mobile broadband ensuring you are always connected.

Article Source: - INQ Mini 3G: A New Budget Mobile Phone

The Sonim XP3 & Land Rover S1 - The Two Toughest Mobile Phones Out There


The Sonim XP3 & Land Rover S1 - The Two Toughest Mobile Phones Out There

Author: Celebrity Inspired

Mobile phones can often suffer from being too flimsy and lack the strength to stand up to the rigors of the workplace. This is especially true in the construction industry or for those people that take part in action/adventure pursuits. As a response to this need, one mobile phone company has started to develop and number of mobile phone that are tougher and stronger than any other on the market. They have been able to carve themselves a cool niche in the market. This has been further strengthen by there co-branding with other tough products. Sonim Mobile Phones offer this and they have so far worked with JCB and Land Rover to offer some real heavy duty mobile phone for the users that need a tough phone. In this article we take a look at The Sonim XP3 and the Land Rover S1.

The Sonim XP3 Enduro was the toughest phone in the world at the time of its release. It’s absolutely perfect for those professions in which you are finding yourself having to buy a new phone every two months because it’s always breaking. This bull of a mobile phone device has been rigorously crash tested and as a result it can claim shock resistance (drop-to-concrete resistance of up to two meters), water resistance for up to one meter and also dust resistance, which is essential for many trades.

This sturdy mobile phone is clearly not made to compete with the sleek and slender models which are aimed at the business market. At almost an inch thick you can feel confident in the XP3’s durability. The phone doesn’t come bundled with all the exciting features of other phones, there is no Wi-Fi or 3G, there is no camera or radio but there are all the essentials that make it a great phone for the industrial market, including a useful torch. The ring tones are designed for maximum volume so they can be heard almost anywhere but of course there is a vibrate mode for occasions where a loud ring tone would be embarrassing. The Sonim XP3 comes in either Black or Yellow is certainly a toughmans phone. But, before you consider this option, you may want to take a look at Sonim's latest offering - the Land Rover S1.

The Land Rover S1 has been built for functionality in the hard and harsh elements, but styled with features for the way people live in these technology crazy times. The new Land Rover S1 by Sonim is in a class by itself and has been able to raise the bar for the rugged workman mobile phone. The S1 comes with built-in GPS, this will track your location no matter where you go off the beaten track and when you discover a picture opportunity, the 2 megapixel camera can capture it. This is a great feature for construction workers, who maybe need to regularly take photo for work, but do not want to risk damaging a digital camera on a work site. The Land Rover S1 can also the put in water for up to 30 minutes, it can be dropped on concrete, it is resistant to shocks and vibrations up to 23G and temperatures ranging from -20 to +55 degrees – this is really a tough phone for tough men (and women).

Equally impressive on the Land Rover S1 is its battery life, which offers an amazing 18 hours of talk time and up to two months standby between charges. It’s a long way from some of the latest smartphones, which need to be charged almost every day, even with limited use. The Land Rover S1 also has an FM radio, web browser, large display, Bluetooth, memory card slot and built-in torch which is pretty powerful. Sonim are so confident that they are going to back this up with industry-leading 3-year unconditional guarantee if anything goes wrong with the Land Rover Sonim mobile phone.

So, there you have it. These are two of the toughest mobile phones available on the market and are definitely the hard men of the mobile phone world. If its reliability and toughness you require in a mobile phone, then you can't go too wrong with a Sonim mobile phone - after all this is there Mobile phones can often suffer from being too flimsy and lack the strength to stand up to the rigors of the workplace. This is especially true in the construction industry or for those people that take part in action/adventure pursuits. As a response to this need, one mobile phone company has started to develop and number of mobile phone that are tougher and stronger than any other on the market. They have been able to carve themselves a cool niche in the market. This has been further strengthen by there co-branding with other tough products. This company is Sonim and they have so far worked with JCB and Land Rover to offer some real heavy duty mobile phone for the users that need a tough phone. In this article we take a look at The Sonim XP3 and the Land Rover S1.

The Sonim XP3 Enduro was the toughest phone in the world at the time of its release. It’s absolutely perfect for those professions in which you are finding yourself having to buy a new phone every two months because it’s always breaking. This bull like device has been rigorously crash tested and as a result it can claim shock resistance (drop-to-concrete resistance of up to two meters), water resistance for up to one meter and also dust resistance, which is essential for many tradesmen out there.

This sturdy mobile phone is clearly not made to compete with the sleek and slender models which are aimed at the business market. At almost an inch thick you can feel confident in the XP3’s durability. The phone doesn’t come bundled with all the exciting features of other phones, there is no Wi-Fi or 3G, there is no camera or radio but there are all the essentials that make it a great phone for the industrial market, including a useful torch. The ring tones are designed for maximum volume so they can be heard almost anywhere but of course there is a vibrate mode for occasions where a loud ring tone would be embarrassing. The Sonim XP3 comes in either Black or Yellow is certainly a toughmans phone. But, before you consider this option, you may want to take a look at Sonim's latest offering - the Land Rover S1.

The Land Rover S1 has been built for functionality in the hard and harsh elements, but styled with features for the way people live in these technology crazy times. The new Land Rover S1 by Sonim is in a class by itself and has been able to raise the bar for the rugged workman mobile phone. The S1 comes with built-in GPS, this will track your location no matter where you go off the beaten track and when you discover a picture opportunity, the 2 megapixel camera can capture it. This is a great feature for construction workers, who maybe need to regularly take photo for work, but do not want to risk damaging a digital camera on a work site. The Land Rover S1 can also the put in water for up to 30 minutes, it can be dropped on concrete, it is resistant to shocks and vibrations up to 23G and temperatures ranging from -20 to +55 degrees – this is really a tough phone for tough men (and women).

Equally impressive on the Land Rover S1 is its battery life, which offers an amazing 18 hours of talk time and up to two months standby between charges. It’s a long way from some of the latest smartphones, which need to be charged almost every day, even with limited use. The Land Rover S1 also has an FM radio, web browser, large display, Bluetooth, memory card slot and built-in torch which is pretty powerful. Sonim are so confident that they are going to back this up with industry-leading 3-year unconditional guarantee if anything goes wrong with the Land Rover Sonim mobile phone.

So, there you have it. These are two of the toughest mobile phones available on the market and are definitely the hard men of the mobile phone world. If its reliability and toughness you require in a mobile phone, then you can't go too wrong with a Sonim mobile phone - after all this is there specialty.

About the Author:

Take a look at the toughest Sonim Mobile Phones Including the Sonim S1 Deals and the Sonim XP3 Deals.

Article Source: - The Sonim XP3 & Land Rover S1 - The Two Toughest Mobile Phones Out There

Digital Binocular Camera - 300K CMOS Sensor + 8MB Memory


Digital Binocular Camera - 300K CMOS Sensor + 8MB Memory

Author: Raphael Hidalgo
4 Mode Digital Camera for taking still photos, using as a PC camera, recording digital video clips, and using as quality binoculars. See what you want to take pictures or recordings of from a far distance and then record what you are seeing directly with this binocular style digital camera. This high-tech gadget makes outdoor photography fun again!

With this model you also get the added benefit of its being able to be used as a webcamera with a much higher resolution of 640x480 or 300k pixels vs a standard 100k pixel webcam. A truly all around useful electronic gadget indeed!

This bestselling wholesale product is already in its second generation and continues to get positive reviews from our customers. Source this high quality gadget today and see why everyone is talking about the TDC151V!
Digital Binocular Camera - 300K CMOS Sensor + 8MB Memory Digital Binocular Camera - 300K CMOS Sensor + 8MB Memory Digital Binocular Camera - 300K CMOS Sensor + 8MB Memory
Digital Binocular Camera - 300K CMOS Sensor + 8MB Memory Digital Binocular Camera - 300K CMOS Sensor + 8MB Memory Digital Binocular Camera - 300K CMOS Sensor + 8MB Memory

China Manufacturer Specifications

  • Image sensor:300K CMOS sensor
  • Internal Memory: 8MB
  • Resolution: VGA (640x480pixels) / CIF (352x288pixels)
  • Storage VGA: 640x480pixels: (Compressed) 75frame
  • Storage CIF: 352x288pixels: (Compressed) 300frame
  • AVI: 9 FPS
  • PC Camera Mode: VGA:640X480pixels or QVGA:320x240pixels
  • Binoculars Size: 8 x 21
  • Color: 24 bits
  • Viewfinder: Optics
  • Shoot Mode: Single / Continuous / Self-time
  • Self-Timer: 10 seconds delay
  • Computer Interface: USB 1.1
  • Lens: fixed focus lens, F=2.8, f=28mm
  • Focus Range: 2m to infinity
  • Shutter speed: 1/4 to 1/1000 second
  • Exposure: Automatic
  • White Balance: Automatic
  • Power Supply: 2x AAA battery
  • Dimensions: 119mm x 96mm x 49mm
  • System Requirement For PC: Windows 98SE/2000/ME/XP/Vista/Windows7

Package Contents

  • Model ZKX-TDC151V Digital Camera
  • Instructions - English
  • USB Cable
  • Software and drivers CD

Visit the website:
You will find much more.

Current Reviews: 5 This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 08 May, 2005.

Reviews for: (Digital Binocular Camera - 300K CMOS Sensor + 8MB Memory)

Bin Begeistert by Rolf Stumpe on 08/17/2009: Top Artikel zu einem Spitzen Preis.Hier macht das Einkaufen SpaÃ?.

Nice =) by Orrie K on 06/21/2009: pictures are good..but don't expect too much of it .. its very important to hold the binoculairs steady and still

Quality product by Mohd Azmi on 06/20/2009: Great product..take picture are high quality..good support & delivery faster.

Great quality Pictures by Vendubbles on 04/02/2009: This is a great item, It works very well, and is very clear, The pictures are high quality, if you can keep your hands still. This needs a driver for vista (Hope you will get one soon), and it needs an attachment for a tri pod to help with the need for a steady hand. Other than that it is a great buy.

Produto bom by Iranilton on 03/05/2006: � um bom produto porém com um pequeno defeito, falta a tampa de proteção da lente objetiva da câmara fotográfica. About the Author:

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Article Source: - Digital Binocular Camera - 300K CMOS Sensor + 8MB Memory

2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator


2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator

Author: Raphael Hidalgo
2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator. This model comes with DVD+CD player, SD card slot, USB connection, iPod/iPhone connection, and a digital DVB-T tuner to receive and watch digital TV in your car. WOW! You will never get bored again, whether you're on a long journey or stuck in traffic!

This IS the car audio and video system your car has been waiting for! This 2-DIN unit comes with everything you'll ever need from a car GPS + media system to keep you and your passengers entertained and on schedule while driving around town or across the country. The CVGX-C14 comes with GPS navigation that lets you get to your desired destination on time and stress free, Bluetooth for safer driving when receiving and making calls, iPod/iPhone connection to enjoy your iTunes, USB connection for other MP3/MP4 players, plus additional media functions (like digital TV and DVD+CD player) to keep you and your passengers occupied.

Because of its 2-DIN size (100mm tall), the CVGX-C14 comes with a sweet 7 inch LCD touch screen and a simple user interface for easy access to its rich array of functions. Combining its excellent design with the latest in technology, this new car multimedia system makes a beneficial upgrade to any personal or company vehicle. Of special note is the unique "Dual Zone" GPS function which allows you to listen to music while you are viewing your GPS map. The music will be interrupted by the GPS voice prompts, but otherwise you can enjoy the radio or your CD music while the GPS map is displayed on the screen.

With an affordable wholesale price, this is the perfect item to D.I.Y. into your own car or buy for your small business. Then when you see how good it is you can re-order more for the resale market. This model is available exclusively to our customer base, only from the leader in direct wholesale electronics, Chinavasion.

At a Glance...
  • All in one multimedia system, the perfect upgrade for any car model, old or new.
  • Special "Dual Zone" model that allows you to listen to music while in GPS mode.
  • Can play MP3 and MP4 files from disc, USB, SD card, or even files from your iPod or other portable MP3 players.
  • Watch digital TV with DVB-T.

Note: This product supports the DVB-T format of digital TV. DVB-T works in most parts of the world, but does not work in North America or certain other special regions of the world.

2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator 2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator 2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator
2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator 2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator 2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator
2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator 2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator 2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator
2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator

China Manufacturer Specifications

  • Primary Function: 2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Multimedia System and GPS Navigator
  • Discs: DVD, CD, VCD
  • Formats Played:
    - Video Formats: AVI, DIVX
    - Audio Formats: MP3, WMA
    - Picture Formats: JPEG, GIF
  • External Memory:
    USB Drive: YES (max 8 GB)
    TF/ MicroSD Card: YES (max 4 GB)
  • Operation: Touch screen or remote control
  • Display Information
    - Screen: 7 Inch TFT LCD
    - Aspect Ratio: 16:9, 4:3
    - Resolution: 480 x 234
    - Angle: 0 to 90 (motorized sliding display panel)
    - Video Systems: PAL, NTSC, AUTO
  • GPS Information:
    - GUI Interface: YES - 3D type
    - Touchscreen Interface: YES
    - Operating Environment: CE 5.0
    - Menu Languages: English, Simplified Chinese, German, French, Italian, Netherlands, Traditional Chinese (Actual voice and display language depends on GPS software package)

  • Video Information:
    - Video System: 16:9 letter box and 16:9 pan scan
    - User adjustable, Brightness, Color, Hue, Contrast

  • Audio Information:
    - Max Audio Output: 45W x 4
    - Signal-To-Noise Ratio (SNR): >65dB
    - User adjustable EQ, Bass, Treble, Fade and Balance

  • Front Panel Controls:
    - Power ON/OFF
    - MIC
    - IR
    - Menu Button
    - radio band switch
    - decrease volume / increase volume
    - mute
    - angle adjust up
    - angle adjust down
    - reset
    - panel open/close

  • Media Inputs:
    - GPS card slot
    - SD/MMC card slot
    - DVD/CD disc slot
    - GPS Antenna (rear)
    - DVB-T Antenna (rear)
    - Mini USB input (front)

  • Bluetooth Functions:
    - Pair with phone - then use touchscreen interface
    - Dial, Answer, Stop Call
    - Call history
    - Volume Control
    - Touchscreen Keypad

  • Digital TV:
    - DVB-T

  • AM/FM Tuner:
    - AM Frequency Range: 522~1620KHz (worldwide)
    - FM Tuning Range: 87.0~108.0MHz (worldwide)
    - RDS System: YES

  • Cables/Wires:
    - GPS Antenna IN
    - Rearview Camera IN
    - Aux-Video IN
    - Aux-R IN
    - Aux-L IN
    - Video OUT x2
    - RCA Audio OUT x2 (front L and R)
    - RCA Audio OUT x2 (rear L and R)
    - Left front speaker x2
    - Right front speaker x2
    - Left rear speaker x2
    - Right rear speaker x2
    - S-Video to I-pod/I-phone Cable
    - Subwoofer
  • Dimensions: L:162 x W:178 x H:100 (mm): Length with front panel = 181 (mm)
  • OSD Languages: English, French, German, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese
  • Manufacturer Ref: GLGTUW48QW43

Product Notes

  • DVB-T does not work in North America - the United States, Canada, Mexico
  • This model is compatible with most brands of GPS software - however hardware specific software such as Garmin may not run on this unit. As the wholesaler, Chinavasion provides the GPS-enabled hardware only, not the software. Chinavasion provides no warranty or customer support regarding GPS software. Chinavasion cannot provide downloads / links / advice regarding GPS software. Any software installation you undertake should be performed or supervised by a professional.
  • USB port is a great way to hook up your portable media player with your car entertainment center
  • Wonder if you can really do it yourself? Check this out - Information On Installing A Car DVD Player

Package Contents

  • Model CVGX-C14 Car DVD Player
  • Remote Control
  • Digital TV Antenna
  • GPS antenna with magnetic base (3M of cable)
  • USB Extension Cable
  • Stylus
  • 2GB SD Card with Evaluation Software
  • Ipod/Iphone Cable
  • Mounting Hardware
  • Users Manual - English

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does this product support Greek language? The menu system does not support Greek language. However if your GPS software comes in Greek then the GPS "Voice" and "Text" will be in Greek. Most popular GPS softwares comes in a variety of languages today.
  • Are the magnetic base of the DVB-T antenna and GPS antenna strong enough to be placed on the Car? Yes, the base of both the GPS and DVB-T antenna are built with powerful magnets, so they can stay on when you go racing with your car.
  • Is the GPS Software displayed in French? The language depends on the GPS software that you use. If you install French GPS software, then the language will be French.
  • What is the GPS software used? Is it Route 66? The GPS map software is not supplied by Chinavasion, the customer will need to install their own software.

  • Login for Wholesale Discount Price
  • Written By: A.D.

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Current Reviews: 14 This product was added to our catalog on Monday 27 April, 2009.

Reviews for: (2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator)

Fantastic Product by Baba Saanid Adamu on 08/17/2009: After installing and getting started, a whole new world of entertainment was opened to me. Name it, from the bluetooth function to the multi-purpose use of the USB, u have all you need. It offers safety for drivers as well because now I don't need any clumcy car phone kits again. TV and great sound output. Good job you guys and keep it up.

gewoon geweldig toestel,doet niet onder voor merktoetsel by Koos Luteran on 07/26/2009: Beste mensen, ik heb dit toestel een beetje op de gok besteld, was best sceptisch , maar echt waar, het is helemaal top! Het hele verloop van de bestelling , van betaling tot uitlevering word via de mail bevestigd. Zeer aanbevelingswaardig! succes ermee!

Femomenal by Abílio Manuel de Jesus Pinto on 07/20/2009: Rádio fenomenal!Estava algo apreensivo quanto ás compras via internet, mas esta empresa cumpre com tudo o que divulga neste site, e até mais!!!Quanto ao produto em si não podia ter feito melhor compra, pois o rádio mais equivalente que vi aqui em Portugal custava 790â?¬ e eu gastei nem metade. Metade dos custos foram com o desalfandegamento, fazendo o total de 340â?¬.Acreditem é seguro!!!

fantastic product by xristos mpoutkaris on 07/14/2009: A wonderful product at a really incredible price. just fantastic.

FANTASTICO by Wilman G. BRESCIANI on 06/25/2009: Prodotto arrivato in 4 giorni compreso il week-end, e se possibile superiore alle caratteristiche dichiarate, GPS con mappe europee compresi paesi dell'est con aggiornamento a marzo 2009 audio con resa superiore alla potenza dichiarata, per il resto un ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo! L'ho già consigliato anche ad alcuni amici. In sintesi soddisfatto al 110%

all options function great by doug tirrell on 06/25/2009: radio bleeds through when playing sd cards/dvd/gps and engine noise because of amp. If you want price this is it! You do get much more than you pay for with this as the gps is totally awesome! Picture quality is totally awesome! I really enjoy it and you will too!

THANKS by Diego de rosa on 06/23/2009: I'm very happy because this prodouct is very very nice and good.

all you need! there is nothing more you could want it to do! by Patrick Murphy on 06/16/2009: brilliant device, it fits perfect in my car,great GPS, radio, dvd player and the superb iPod connection, you have all your tracks with you all the time! no DVB-t tv in Ireland, but when it comes ill be ready. Chinavasion great job! this item left china on a friday and on monday morning it arrived at my house in Ireland. Fast!

Ottimo prodotto !!! by Ruggero Pezzolo on 06/15/2009: Soddisfatto al 100% prodotto valido, corrisponde perfettamente alle caratteristiche descritte. Spedizione ultrarapida (5 giorni compreso un week-end!).

GOOd i like it,but in Lithuania, France dvb-t must be in mpeg-4 format,thanks for good thing by dalius kopustas on 06/03/2009: Very good,thanks

Excellent Car Media System for buget price by Hans Duiven on 05/28/2009: This beautiful easy to use 2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System comes with a GPS Navigator, DVD player, DVB-T and much, much more. The GPS is doing it's job superb with software from iGo Amigo or Sygic McGuider. A very satisfied returning Chinavasion customer from The Netherlands

tres bon produit by brachot didier on 05/26/2009: tres bon produit est livraison rapide

Just what I needed! by Barry Patterson on 05/11/2009: This is what I have been waiting for. The fact I can choose my software from the multitide of variations offered online, is a real plus.

Aanrader! by C.J. Bunink on 05/11/2009: Een zeer goed product, een aanrader! About the Author:

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Article Source: - 2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator